1) promised to “totally destroy” North Korea if Kim Jong Un, whom he referred to as “Rocket Man,” threatened the US or her allies,
Age Of Adaline was an unexpected little joy for me.
While I appreciate your concern, I make good English.
I watched this episode Sunday night and honestly did not even notice the dick out. It was such an intense scene and I think I was more focused on the faces.
That would cut into the budget for the Olivia Pope white coat and wine department.
What the fuck is wrong with people?!
I hope she finds something better than going back to American Horror Story (although her season was the best one by far and she was amazing in it).
Oh, get over yourself. It’s a skillful art form. Just because you don’t appreciate it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t honor those who achieve greatness within their community.
I though HP was fine before this show — never had a feeling about her, really -- but damn she opened my eyes with her performances on Nashville. Juliette feels three dimensional and real and really messed up. I love her.
I have been waiting, this WHOLE time, for them to finally kill off Scarlett. Mumblemouthed, depressing beyond compare, wishy washy, dull as fuck Scarlett and they kill Rayna?! Bye Nashville. Lucky Spencer isn’t on enough to keep me watching.
I tried to follow the show to CMT/Hulu, but damn, nothing good ever happens to anyone on Nashville. I love drama but can’t we mix in some soapy love and happiness??? Every time I try to watch now, I’m half waiting for everyone to be crushed from some rogue satellite falling to earth.
One thing autism has been scientifically linked to is old dude sperm, but men take a strange sort of pride in their lifelong ability to knock up a slut, so we don’t talk about it much.
Dudes who are not medical professionals tell everyone the dangers of medicine.
You say “taxiway”, I say “alternative runway.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In HER case, it meant that she SHOULD have been talen to the hospital immediately, though.
It also might have been a placental abruption and it’s fatal to the baby and sometimes also the mother. DEFINITELY not their call to make.