Have you ever glanced through those bizarre Yahoo! Answers pages and wondered "gee, what would this sound like if it…
Have you ever glanced through those bizarre Yahoo! Answers pages and wondered "gee, what would this sound like if it…
This makes me extremely uncomfortable.
Nooooooo! Josie Grossie, you live up to your name! :O
Yeah, this one was a toughie. The stock photos for this subject matter are not good. Just...not good.
It's Pornstache. He's gross and rapey. In what universe would Red sleep with him willingly. She tried to frame him for rape!
Considering Pornstache's record, it's more likely he'll try to force himself on her.
Oh, jesus fucking christ. I haven't listened to the podcast yet, but based on the comments I googled "twin cow story," and now I cannot stop fucking crying. Oh, my god.
I hope that it's a means to a "Red injuring Pornstache" end.
ew ew ew ew ew
"other fan favorites – including new dad Jason Biggs, Laura Prepon, Kate Mulgrew and Taryn Manning"... I thought everyone's favorites were Taystee and Poussey (aka Tasha Jefferson and Samira Wiley).
Jason Biggs is a fan favorite?
All hyper cautious wanton whores thank you
Black people will always end up befriending a bigot if they befriend people who are not black too freely and quickly. So you try to find on who isn't so bigot-y you can't manage it by avoiding lots of topics with you and keeping them distanced from your less accommodating black friends/relatives who will point out to…
this was just the mental cure I needed! I am already a hypochondriac - whose neuroses were worsen after being raped by a guy I knew was promiscuous, and waiting two awful months to get tested for the STDs I might have got
But you have to be very right-wing and pretty backwards to vote for Mitt Romney or support the Republicans.
There are antibiotics to treat the resistant cases. It's not like OMG GONORRHEA ETERNAL, although it is a worrisome public health trend. Now providers are recommending that people diagnosed with gonorrhea return for a test-of-cure, to make sure everything's dead. But people are terrible at going back for another appt,…
Oscar winner: Liza Minnelli. Ex-husband: David Gest.