Is it the cut? The color? I want to avoid the dreaded dad jeans curse.
Is it the cut? The color? I want to avoid the dreaded dad jeans curse.
I normally don't mind the Photoshop articles. But these shenanigans right here REEK of desperation. They're acting like they've suddenly uncovered this huge story ("Magazines use photoshop to promote the tall, thin white woman ideal!"). The fact that this is not only common knowledge, but also something they've…
Dear God that's brilliant. An interwebs hall of famer.
It's almost all over for us. They have virtually perfected their spying techniques. Witness this cat overlord spy,…
To be honest, I think this is more about Lena Dunham than it is about Vogue, because they didn't do this for Mindy Kaling's or Melissa McCarthy's covers for Elle. They weren't as exposed, but they were definitely retouched. And sometimes you get the cover of a magazine and you just feel good, retouched or not, let's…
Totally. This is very puzzling. Jessica wrote, "Yes, having a woman who is different than the typical Vogue cover girl is indeed a good thing. What is not a good thing is when the magazine decides to take that woman and tweak her appearance enough such that she's "acceptable" for the cover." But... they do that to ever…
I agree, maybe she does like the re-touched photos. You know what? So fucking what? The issue is with Vouge's "fantasy" not Dunham or any other person who's image appears within. I guess she could have declined but - then they'd just find someone more "Vouge" to be on the cover anyway.
Thanks to Jezebel, the web is now littered with sites talking about the Lena Dunham "photoshop controversy," complete with commenters offering their opinions of Dunham's appearance.
Exactly. I'm repeating myself from yesterday. But if it was about Vogue, and not Lena, they could be doing this many many many other celebrities and covering many other issues (like signs of aging).
I don't disagree, but is he based on a novel push by sapphire?
In the Hollow Crown series he looks the way you desire. And gives a great performance as Prince Hal and Henry V!
Three articles? Really?
I don't think I've ever read a Jezebel post where 99% of the commenters agreed. Jezebel, you fucked the pooch on this one. I think an explanation / apology is appropriate.
I would recommend this comment 10x over if I could. Both my beloved pups were rescues and the sweetest, most loving and (totally objectively) adorable mutts that ever traveled on four paws. We also had a rescue kitty who fit right in with our dogs. I can't imagine getting a pet that wasn't a rescue - I really don't…
"Props to the leaker for realizing she could make a quick $10k and make her employer look good."
The only other posts that need be written from Jez about this whole debacle is an explanation and or an apology.
Paying to use a woman's body without her consent for political (capitalistic?) purposes, and then shame her for her feelings about her body: What a great feat of feminism!
Ryan Anderson: [clicks on ""]