Congrats, Ms. Fairy-Pants! You are today's winner of the internet!
Congrats, Ms. Fairy-Pants! You are today's winner of the internet!
"Rape is a violent crime no doubt. I think you can find a shitload of other beer names (esp IPAs) that refer to murder, assassination, assault, etc. Do you think these are less serious crimes? Are you just overly sensitive to sexual provocation?"
Given Jez's history of listening to their commenters (by which I mean, they don't)
Is it surprising that someone who looks like the Joker would have a sick sense of humor
This is so right on. Thank you. I have been trying to quit jezebel for the past year because of all the reasons you stated. But keep coming back from time to time because....nostalgia, I guess, and it's not ALL bad. Today, though, it was due to seeing this WTFery come across twitter, and I had to see it for myself.…
Preach baby!
This is an amazing comment. Well said. If I could like it a thousand times I would.
Holy shit, yes. You summed up exactly why I don't wander over here that often. Brava, this was wonderful.
Oh wrecked that shit. Well said.
This, so much this. I also started reading Jezebel as a teenager and the difference between the website I loved and read religiously years ago and its present form are vast. Former writers and commenters never would have allowed for such hateful language about women and their bodies. I remember days when it wasn't…
I try my hardest to avoid these people, but it seems to be the car-wreck scenario for me. I don't even like myself for watching this shit. Having said that ... this person evidently has night terrors that her kids will be taken away from her & deposited on the Cibrian's doorstep and so, to counter-act this, she…
This is the best. You're the best.
Brava. I first saw your comment and thought "holy fuck this is long." Then I read it, and it's perfect.
And how does a person respond to something like this? How does a woman who started reading this website as a teenager, who used to seek refuge here when her ideas about gender and equality were shot down by her friends, peers, and sometimes even family, who for some reason imagined this place as being a center for…
Myself and about half the women I know.