This Is A Dead Account

When I was studying in Italy for a semester, a group of 3 girls in the program were walking late at night* when they were followed and harassed by a group of men. Thankfully they managed to fend them off without anything horrible happening, but while it was occurring a couple of them called their parents back in New

it's nowhere close to victim blaming to advise people of risks and tell them good ways to protect themselves in hopes that they won't be unlucky enough to be victimized. anyone that tells you otherwise is just a moron looking to push the "outrage" button.

I saw a German "Erotic Carp" calendar once... I can't google it because I'm at work, but it was kinda scary.

You make good points and I'm not trying to completely undermine them, but I'd say that much of the world is much safer than the US. I just think it's sad that so many women are afraid to travel, especially by themselves.

One of you should have taken more logic classes in law school and less RHETORIC classes. I still don't know why law schools focus so much on rhetoric and churn out self-righteous, ego-inflated know it alls who consider their opinions to be facts.

Travel advisories make everyplace sound pretty dangerous. If an American stubbed their toe once, there's an advisory. Having said that, they should be read but taken with a grain of salt. India is, admittedly, one of the more difficult places to travel. Women shouldn't be afraid of travelling and travelling alone if

SPOILER ALERT: It's the Christians. Who else would it be?

I don't see it as victim blaming. I see it as not giving tourism (and money) to a country that treats women poorly. I am from India. Where I was from, getting leered at, yelled at, creeped was so common, even if I'm just walking to the store. I am so glad this has come to light in the international community, and I

I know I'm totally missing the point, but I really do not want to go to India right now and I don't want anyone else to.

Yup, its definatley surprising to me when other adults believe all of this conspiracy theory stuff. I would question their sanity a bit too, except for hodgins on bones. i love that dude. WAIT, maybe thats a conspiracy theory set up from the real elite cannibal societies to trick us into normalizing it! I understand

Dude, I used to completely be obsessed with the illuminati and freemasons in my first year of high school, you could say anything to me and i would relate it to the illuminati and then switch the entire conversation to it. it could be anything, like compasses or don cheadle. i now realize what a huge douchebag i was,

and their friends.

The only time I've ever had a problem in my travels in the globe on my own was being hassled by an Egyptian guy (he said) in London of all place. In was night and I was trying to get to my hotel. He kept chatting me up and I was tired and sleep deprived, and twisted about in SoHo and it took me a few minutes to figure

Awful experience. I hope it doesn't ever happen to you again.

Oh please, it is not just the government. Indian rape culture is where US rape culture was in the fifties.

The buddy system didn't work so well for the woman who was gang raped on a bus and died later. They just beat up her friend when he tried to intervene.

I'm used to travel alone. When I was sixteen I moved to another city and when I was nineteen I moved to another country. All by myself.

Perhaps women in the US need a system they can check before leaving their homes to go out each day; especially on college campuses.

I just checked for Canada. Apparently they also have it mentioned there, too. I never even though to look (though I don't travel...I mean, anywhere. I'm pathetic).

India, I once wanted to visit you.