Shitshow? Do tell.
Shitshow? Do tell.
I already did this to someone else who brought up the Redman episode, but *insert That's Just Like, Your Opinion Dude gif here*
That is AWESOME!
I know some actors who are perfectly secure, but they also happen to be the ones who couldn't give a rat's about whether they are famous.
That is EXACTLY how it tastes.
Or Hustler, maybe?
Foie gras is one of those things where when I want to be fancy schmancy I will order it, and it's often paired with truffles or caviar or lobster or whatever Kobe wagyu beef shit people are into at the time, and I think it's going to be FUCKING AWESOME. Then I take the first bite and I remember I don't even like it.
I'm sure he is, but I also suspect he's "on" all the time.
LOL Margaret Cho's wolf nightgown. I can't even.
That's one of my favorites. I know I'm supposed to hate that they went all mainstream pop but that whole album is like a compulsive thing for me. I've got it on repeat constantly.
After a lot of Hiddles "research" for "scientific" purposes, I am starting to wonder whether he is one of these guys who is in constant need of validation. Sort of like a puppy? I have spent time around actors with this affliction and it's exhausting to be in their company after too long.
It is kind of the penultimate creepy thing, right? Apparently our culture has just about reached the apex of gross. (But she looks great, right?)
I have small bones.
That was one of my faves too!
My favorite part is when she takes a bath in her negligee. Because that is totally something normal people do.
I know, and I really want her outfit as well, which adds another level of crazy to the whole thought process.
My favorite 80's Barbie:
"Always Be My Baby" is one of those songs that immediately puts me in a good mood when I hear it on the radio. HBD, Mariah!