This Is A Dead Account

That was such a weird book and it sort of defies all literary categories but you're right, it was wonderful. Co-sign the recommendation.

Have you read any of his other books?

He's considered one of the great American writers of our time, so...yes?

I think it's a great portrait of obsession and pedophilia. I found it to be disgusting, humorous at times, fascinating and lyrical, but I would never say it was "romantic." Don't hang out with those people anymore; I worry about their sanity.

I have been under the impression that Girls is this brilliant satire about people I can't stand but the more I read from her off-camera, the more I think she really does have her head up her ass. For my own mental health I'll probably just continue to believe it's total satire.

I was going to remark on that but then just decided to make fun of LD instead.

"I don't have an elicit, confused relationship to my sexuality, so I don't need a book like that right now in my life."

But did she lose any weight?

Forget the "offended" part. How about the fact that when men threaten or harass women online, they're doing so in the context of a societal power imbalance that favors them AND the fact that men on average are bigger/physically stronger than most women? It's not about being offended, it's about being legitimately

Thank you for commenting. You have perfectly illustrated what is wrong with the attitude of men on Reddit. "Get a thicker skin," "it's just the internet," "threats are just words," "I've seen women defended a few times so your point must be invalid," and my personal favorite: "It happens to everyone."

Full disclosure: I've met him in real life and he's kind of a dick. I attributed it to him growing up in the public eye and all that but his recent antics are making me think he might actually just be a dick.

That's a cool theory. For Clowes' sake I hope it's correct, because it's starting to get pretty vile.

YAY! I also love the bizarre sitcom possibilities that may arise from Laveau living in the Coven. Cannot wait.

I know, that comment was a passive aggressive swipe at him, actually. I dismissed his comment before because it was irrelevant and stupid and he posted again under someone whose comments are similar. Trolololol.

Meeeeee! Stevie + AHS is perfection.


Right, like, the thing that bothers me most about this is Daniel Clowes didn't do anything to anyone. He's the victim here; Shia should not be using his theft of Clowes' work as a stepping stone to making whatever point he is trying to make. That is what makes him such a gigantic asshole.

I love all the people who are like WOMEN DO THIS TO MEN TOO. Yes, they do sometimes, but NOWHERE near as much as men do it to women. Apparently critical thinking is just too difficult.

It's one thing to plagiarize apologies on Twitter for your adolescent art project but this is a man who has a legitimate copyright claim against him and he's still mouthing off about it? If he had any grace or humility he would have made an actual, public apology to Clowes and then been done with it. Shia turning his

Agreed. I think the sentiment—that women should be given their dues in general—is a good one, but when she makes it about her books she assumes a lot about her skill set that may be incorrect.