Hoarders is a good call. I can't watch that show without getting a specific form of anxiety that requires I start cleaning IMMEDIATELY. I'm not anywhere near a hoarder but that show gives me the fears.
Hoarders is a good call. I can't watch that show without getting a specific form of anxiety that requires I start cleaning IMMEDIATELY. I'm not anywhere near a hoarder but that show gives me the fears.
This controversy is so disappointing to me because XO is the only song I really like from the whole CD, and I am obsessed with it. Every once in a while one of her songs grabs me by the back of the neck and demands that I listen to it ALL THE TIME, and this is one of those songs.
This is like surveillance footage of my father watching television.
I support your efforts!
Yeah, it is but the gif itself makes me happy. :)
Everything is better when you add wine. :)
I know the story about the whale but I will not watch that movie. I saw The Cove and cried for days afterward. I had trouble sleeping. Something about marine mammals being mistreated triggers me like nothing else.
Starting is the WORST. THE WORST.
Yeah, pretty much. PETA is crazytown for the most part but sometimes they get it right. Sea World is a problem.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the holiday; it always seems to disappoint.
Aw sorry about the headache! Drinking is sometimes the only way I can get myself to do anything. I figure that I'm going to drink the wine anyway; I may as well try to trick my brain into doing something useful while I'm getting sloshed. Good luck with your New Year's celebration tomorrow! (Nobody has to know it…
Damn straight! She out-earned every other female musician last year by $45 million dollars or more and she didn't even release anything new. She is QUEEN.
I'm drinking moscato and CLEANING ALL THE THINGS! I'm cleaning one area, then a glass of winesies, then clean another, then more wine, and so on. So far it seems to be working out well for me but I'm nowhere near tipsy yet.
She is the fab-est in all the land and can do whatever she wants as far as I'm concerned.
I think they are just upset that Robot Cat apparently has stolen their actual Christmas present, which is the cardboard box.
I love Scorcese movies as much as the next person but even when he tries not to glamorize something, he ends up doing the exact opposite. And I don't feel dirty in the slightest as I eat up whatever he's serving. I haven't seen WoWS yet but if it's anything like his other films, I suspect it will be the same.
There are like five of these that I already do regularly and now one of them that I'm going to start doing.
Yup. There should be a revised version of the song that teaches us how the fuck we can forget our old acquaintances when we are constantly assaulted by #blessed status updates and pictures of children doing boring things.
I guess we will all have to wait for the inevitable backlash/apology/whatever. Either way, happy new year! :D
Possibly, but given the recommends on the original comment I am not the only one reading it this way.