My compromise to myself is that I will rent it. :)
My compromise to myself is that I will rent it. :)
That's crazy! I just saw the comments about the 40% taxes if she wants to keep the car, too. It makes me wonder how much anybody actually ends up with after appearing on these shows.
Her manicure is to die.
I was interested until I saw J. Timberlake. I mean, I will probably still see this because John Goodman with a bowl cut is like something out of my most cherished Lynchian dreams but goddamn, JT cannot act his way out of a paper bag and it is actually really distracting for me. Also, Garrett Hedlund is hot, so.
I don't know what your familiarity is with the Taco Bell menu but what you're describing is nothing like their version of Mexican pizza. They basically throw taco filling on a tortilla, add extra cheese and tomatoes and that's it. Pretty much everything on their menu is some variation of "taco filling + tortilla…
If we're talking about a traditional breakfast at Denny's, then Chiwetel's character is probably a giant ham-ball waffle dipped in syrup and then fried in pancake batter, sausage grease and the tears of a vegan. There probably are some cheesy potatoes involved as well.
After that dance-off debacle last night—NO ONE WINS, THEY ARE BOTH GOOFY—I went a-scouring 'round the intarwebz trying to figure out why people think Hiddles is so hot. I vaguely understand Cumberbatch because he has that deep voice and looks like he plays a lot of tennis, but Hiddleston's appeal eluded me.
I wish this video was shorter and/or had more setups. I couldn't make it past about 3:00.
Thank you for parsing that further than I did. You are entirely correct.
I think we were surprised because they don't seem overtly racist or homophobic on the show. I'm sure there are some casual -isms happening there but nothing like the crazy that just went down. There's a difference between knowing a thing about a person in the back of your mind and being slapped in the face with said…
I literally will eat anything Taco Bell puts in front of my face.
I think that they are both dorks.
1. I had the same experience in India. I don't think you're being racist by sharing your experiences, which are valid.
I like the cut of your jib.
Thank you for your review but I still strongly feel that this video is not something I need in my life at this time.
Sorry, Groban, but a bowl of cocaine will always be better than a bowl of ice-cold grapes.
You could not pay me any amount of money to push play on this.
If you look a little closer at the video you'll see that the base is made of un-sanded wood.