Funny family (who are all born again Christians) have the tact NEVER to say this to me. “Corgis, aren’t you glad you’re here with us and not dead in a dumpster?”
Nothing is known about the children McCorvey gave up for adoption.
I was trying to put into words what bothered me so much about this whole story, and there it is.
So she’s basically the face of “the only moral abortion is my abortion?
Politics Thread! Has anyone started or tried to start a Resistance Group or Indivisibles group in their neighborhood? I have access to a neighborhood on-line bulletin board, but I’m unsure of how to begin. Do I invite people to my house? To meet at a coffee shop? Do I put up flyers?
I need to turn off the internet because nothing else online will bring me the joy that this did. Outfuckingstanding.
Those are some pretty amazing Graphics.
Great work
To me it is such a sexist vestigial remain. Like, she wasn’t elected, she isn’t getting paid for the position, but she is still expected to do a whole bunch of work because her husband is President. And people threw a shit-fit when Michelle Obama commented that there should be some kind of compensation for the First…
Mike Pence has almost certainly masturbated to the M4M section of Craigslist.
No, no — John Goodman. He can project that kind of sloe-eyed malevolence!
This was the most inspired move by SNL in a long time. You just know its going to get under EVERYONE’S skin in the Trump Admin. Everyone knows Trump watches SNL like a hawk, here’s hoping next week’s Alec Baldwin ep is 100% Trump jokes. They fucking owe it to us after giving Dear Leader a whole show to himself.
This was pitch perfect. I’m pretty sure the real Spicer would love a podium he could pick up and beat people with.
She was so great; no mistakes, flubbed lines or delays, and total commitment to the character.
The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.
I’m such a nerd for having researched this, but basically, the snails are “stressed” in some way (put on grating, squeezed, light electric shock) to produce more mucus. It’s hard to actually find info about each company’s gathering process.
It’s funny how abortion is such a dirty little secret. I had one over 20 years ago, and I’ve never told anyone. I guess I’m afraid of being judged, or having someone scream at me about “killing my baby.” I’ve never had children, either, so I feel like people might be extra judge-y for some reason.
I am grey and may forever well be, but I am going to make this post anyway, because my beloved (and i do mean beloved) grandmother died friday morning at the age of 94 and i am packing to go to her hometown to her services.... i was her POA and lots of other stuff blah blah blah but in the aftermath of her dying, a…
Are there a ton of Yemeni-owned KFC franchises?