
Her future husband that she just wrote a ghost letter to?

The only Brio we have ever been exposed to, thank the deity/dieties/universe/42/whatever.

This show was so terrible and I hate-watched it, but for real I still use Sammi’s most eloquent contribution in my everyday life: “RAAAHHHN STAAAAHHHHP”

Ayla may have discovered fire and animal husbandry but Jondalar discovers the clitoris! So who’s the real hero here?

I miss Regretsy. It had such fun drama and butthurts, all the time.

I didn’t think I would find a reporter saying butthole this hilarious but holy shit, I’m DYING at this.

Imagine Gordon saying “Come on get it together. I just saw your babies butthole”

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

Like, good for them and all, but I’m just saying that, personally, I’d like to be mourned for more than a couple few months kthx.

Nope, too soon. It’s none of my business and I’m glad they’re all happy but all the hair stands on the back of my neck when this happens

I don’t suppose it matters on the birth certificate, but it does seem a little foolish to just pretend sex has no relationship to health. You don’t need to force anything on a child, but that is medically necessary information regardless of what gender, if any, the child identifies with.


When people smile with chewed up gum in their mouth it is all I can see. It takes a nice photo and makes it gross. She might as well have a spider crawling out of her maw.

As a big gay poofterhead, it was a godsend eons ago for young still-not-quite-out-even-to-myself me when my mom bought my squeamish and easily-embarrassed sister an issue of Playgirl as a ‘joke’ xmas present. She just tossed it on a shelf and forgot about it. I did not. No, verily, I did not.

Seriously we see tons of boobs and ass on Orange is the New Black, the least they could do is toss a few dicks our way (especially last season when they didn’t deliver on the guy who did the strip tease).

See, this is what’s wrong with white culture. All the glorifying of illegal drugs.

Staff the entire emergency room with black doctors and nurses, then if some asshole demands he get a white doctor, they can go ahead and die.

This doesn’t make sense to me. How was it road rage? He decided to throw beer bottles at them, and then beat Ms. Hassanen to death? Where did road rage come in: it wasn’t as though they were in another car.

I look forward to that thread all year, and each year, I start wishing we had it going a little earlier. Like now.