
I just posted the same. It was really encouraged at the hospital when I had a kid.

Do you guys just look for an excuse to be snarky? Michael Phelps, as ridiculous as he is, is probably shirtless because he’s practicing skin to skin contact with his child, something that promotes intimacy with fathers and their babies. Christ.

This forest fire is almost half the size of the WHOLE province I live in. Don’t even try to downplay it.

Only in Monadmoney Vally.

How big was that burrito? I'm having chicken tacos.

Donald Trump loves kids. He’s going to be so good for kids. He’s got the best kids. and lots of them. And one in particular he wants to fuck. Sad!

I 1000% agree. This is an absolute violation when she clearly was uninviting him out of her space and he willfully ignored her plea. unfuckingbelievable that there are humans that think this shit is A ok. What the fuck.

OP said camera lenses can be male-gazey. This is a perfect application of OP’s statement. If going into someone’s face to shoot them against their will isn’t male-gazey-rapeish, I don’t know what is.

He said “we paid for you” and also didn’t respond to her “stop” and “no.” Maybe it sounds very radical fem but camera lens can be male gazey and with the non consent here this feels kind of rapey (no, that doesn’t undermine actual rape...this is a different degree but in my understanding there is a spectrum of

Dude, you paid for a movie ticket/cable and received a movie/tv show. End of contract.

i wanna find this man’s grave and pee on it WHILE SMILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll take sexy music videos from the 90s for a thousand Alex.

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

So glad we keep finding ways to be an openly bigoted country. Was worried that after nationally recognized same-sex marriage we were going soft there for a second

I don’t think my dad has ever hugged me like this. Thank you jesus.

Good god this search turned up some creepy-ass photos.

Probably because of father-daughter purity commitments. Right?

Back home, when the queue was too long in women’s’ bathrooms, i used to go over at the mens. Suddenly, I feel very revolutionary.... Seriously, what is the deal with the bathroom in this country?

It’s really a shame they’re related because I get the sense he and Candace would be perfect for each other.