
“unveil” his “master prank”

What? Wait, I thought *The Walking Dead* was the zombie show.

I think she just likes to suck lemons.

Not to demon-shame or anything, yet doesn’t she TOTALLY look like a character from Supernatural?

Oh, it’s unfair to scrutinize Melanie’s parents but it was totally fine for her asshole husband and his cronies to bring up Obama’s parentage at every (inappropriate) opportunity.

#squadgoals, yo.

Ugh I can’t edit for some reason, but I would like to replace that pic with this one b/c the first one doesn’t have Naomi and HOW DARE I.

They don’t have an ounce of the fierceness of Naomi.

God I love the internet sometimes.

Hold up, I got a better one:


Agreed. I just hope one day they realize, yes, you did let your son die. And it is your fault.

Good. If you’re an adult, feel free to be a guinea pig, treat, don’t treat, whatever.

that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.

If this doesn’t show that in fact, large doses of easily accessed pornography is having an impact (a negative impact) on children I don’t know what does. This makes me so, so sad. And I realized, had I constantly seen these images or had my male peers had this much access to these images I would have been one of those

i know. bless them for their reactions and apologies. part of me wishes the douchers who sent these tweets were the ones who would have to read them aloud to these women’s faces, but not sure if that’s even plausible, or safe, or if it would do any good.

She demonstrated knowledge that what she was doing was wrong, would cause his family to hate her and for the police to come after her. Even in the presence of serious psychological issues which I would argue are not evident here, this ability to discern right from wrong prevents her from using the insanity defense.

“He sent the message at 6:25 p.m., then told his mother he was leaving the house to visit a friend and not to expect him home for dinner. He made a short drive to a remote corner of the Fairhaven Kmart parking lot. At 6:28 p.m., he called Carter and talked to her for 43 minutes. At 7:12, she called him. The call

Living in Massachusetts, I have been following the case since her arrest and what she did was seriously messed up.