
Tide has a big black market price. They have started placing security tags on them

You can buy some good store brand mayo. Ketchup though? Heinz

We dont need another community organizer as President

Funny story I am in a very rural town for July 4th almost every year now. There are wineries there and one puts on the fire works. There is basically that one guy and almost no safety . We stand not even 100 yards away

Article is seven sentences long.. 5 of them just quoting Oliver. It would have easier to just write “Watch the clip below to learn about the national money suck that nobody ever talks about.”

As some who doesnt drink much if at all anymore, you can only drink so much OJ and soda. Just carry water

Careful, Jim Webb kills people...lots of em

Now playing

How any see these laws except as anything pandering to the religious right I have no clue.

My friend has a big donkey/horse laugh. When we hear it , we know we are having fun. Also we usually cant stop laughing at him for a good 20 minutes

But they’re not workers, so its the same as if they were at a mall or a grocery store or at the movies

‘scuse me while I whip this out

Chip likes connect four

Its the fact that every play is basically the same. take snap in shotgun. Fake handoff or run then throw a 7 yard out

wISH IT WAS 2 PLAYER. nOTHING IS EVER 2 PLAYER ANYMORE UNLESS YOU GO ONLINE... Ooops , Caps Lock was on. screw fixing it

I bowed down to my eventual overlord

Somewhere Cosby shuddered at this

Thats 8:37 for a whole marathon. Thats solidly good not olympic but probably in top 15-20%

his voice is more annoying than the average British voice

Are they really wearing black face or trying to be minorities though? Appears everone is dressed in all black, so they just did more. At least thats what I am hoping

Banana being thrown at Patrick Ewing in Philly