
My prediction it will not be enforced but it will: 1) stop any pro-trans ordinances/policies from being enacted on a local level. 2) vigilantes will create a hostile environment for non-gender conforming women, predominantly effecting lesbians and transmen attempting to use the women’s restroom. 3) create a climate of

I saw this on Breitbart and was like...ummm...doesn’t this prove predators will be predators and they don’t need a transgender law to violate women’s spaces?

My experience with my transgender identity is indivisible, complex, and wholly mine. For me, my gender expression was binary, masculine, and congruent majority of male-identified people. I do know femme transmen along with masculine women and androgynous women. They have another experience that is in many ways

I strongly encourage you to watch the free National Geographic documentary on gender. It includes Intersex, Transgender, and the Gender fluidity/spectrum. It’s very 101, but includes a few different scientific/case studies about gender beyond the brain structure. It’s kind of like the elephant fable about seven blind

Search Transgender MRI study and you should fine information elaborating on the phenomenon better than I can.

Yeah, neurology is highly complex and not an all or nothing proposition. Not all transgender people have that experience, some have phantom limb, and that experience is not the sum of transgender experience, there are other aspects that drive a deep sense and subconscious experience of being transgender.

No, biology is incredibly complex and humans are largely made of the same clay. But when people say “male/female” brains in the context of transpeople they usually are just referring to those regions in a shorthand way. The point is those regions are theorized as important for the subconscious socialization and sense

This is from a anecdotal experience about experiencing an FTM trans brain. From when I could first reach for toys, choose activities, and make friends, I veered towards male-correlated play. From when I could articulate concepts of gender, I asked when I would wake up a boy. And despite trying desperately trying to

There are areas of the brain that do have structures correlated to gender. The brain is incredibly complex. While some ways of looking at it find no difference, others do. There have been MRIs that have spotted this difference in transpeople that date back to the 90s.

Actually, there have been a few studies that suggest transpeople have less phantom limb when they are supposed to, indicating their neurology does not line up to their body.

This is a really complex topic. 1) There is some self-selection. Hollywood prefers (cis/trans) people fit into neat binary boxes. I know some very femme gay/bi transmen and met a tomboyish transwoman last weekend. 2) A lot of trans people want to read their gender, for safety, congruency, validation, easy life,

Agreed. Hence ‘not’ qualifier. Though my wife is kind enough to disagree on occasion.

Interesting. OR seals the original, so I wonder how that would work.

Depends on the state. In CA you need a doctor’s note that you are going through appropriate treatment. That may include surgery and/or hormones. But a doctor may do it if you had health reasons not to undergo those. Some states you can’t do it no matter how much treatment you get. I imagine some states may let you

Yes, it’s about pushing trans people out of public life. I am a transman that reads male. Just an average guy, not remarkable. People would be startled and point me to the other bathroom if I went into the ladies.

1. Most bodybuilder cycles shoot for higher than 3x the high of the range (300-1000), plus all kinds of other gear. 2. They do prescribe transmen the lower half of the range, probably less for teenagers. 3. The effects of testosterone are not perfectly linear or equivalent among all men. It’s hard to arm-chair

F2M generally will read after female puberty. My F2M support group looks like a short-man therapy group. Nobody looks at a short man with small hands and thinks, transgender man. However, many of us would have preferred to have avoided top surgery and a lifetime of being a few inches shorter, with wider hips.

It’s a psychologically diagnosed condition, and this is the recommended treatment. It takes a patient, therapist, doctor and parent to all agree on the treatment plan. It’s not a tattoo.

The standards of care are very cautious. It involves the adolescents, therapists, doctors and parents in a conversation. Puberty blockers which are relatively safe and reversible are generally used at the onset of puberty till around 16. It’s only then transgender adolescence are prescribed cross-sex hormones. The

To be fair, sometimes that’s what you have to do to remember people’s pronouns. I know a guy that has had no medical interventions. It took almost a year of being super conscious of his trans identity to start thinking of him as a guy, at least most of the time. Brains are wired to notice/determine gender. This is why