
Transguy here. Your discomfort is probably around ambiguity in some transpeople than transpeople themselves. Lots of people, even the most open-minded people, tend to have a visceral deep discomfort with ambiguity of gender/sex. Even many transpeople struggle. I now read 100% male to people after medical transition,

Yeah, co-sign. Though in my experience biphobia has been expressed more about  the fear of being left, and for a relationship with the perks of heteronormativity.

Yeah, people have this idea that gay means down with minorities. There are plenty of well-off gay masculine white men that can’t wait to sell everyone behind them down the river.

Was “...stop pissing on intelligence community” to on the nose?

It’s crazy people are so ignorant about arguably the most important part of human anatomy. Thanks Puritans!...“ Chuck Liddell with ovaries, it’s like—and minus the testes....”

Sorry, comments don’t always appear threaded, making them more context-free than they should sometimes.

Yes, I am using basic as “standard of care” which is kind of what insurance and HMOs are meant to cover. My sister is being treated in a multistage, multiyear, complicated procedure for a growing benign brain tumor. It’s not simple, but it’s the basic, standard of care for that ailment. Prisoners referred for similar

More and more it is covered with regular insurance. But a MTF vaginoplasty is more around 20-30k.

It’s a treatment that’s been used for transpatients for over 40 years and has been proven effective at alleviating severe psychological distress from gender dysphoria. There is no other known effective treatment for severe dysphoria. That sounds like basic care to me.

Body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria are not the same things. Surgery tends to exacerbate the former and alleviate the latter. Which is why it is not a treatment for the former but is for the later. You can make the argument that prisoners should only have surgery that keeps them with a pulse, or maybe not even that.

The suicide rate of untreated patients is much higher than the rest of the population. Imagine knee pain so bad suicide wouldn’t be an uncommon reusult without treatment. A knee replacement would technically be elective surgery, but not treating inmates for a condition like that would be considered a form of cruel and

Think of it at incredibly painful knee condition. So painful, some people commit suicide to escape the pain. Gender dysphoria can a very torcherous mental condition for people, one of the reasons for high suicide rates. Knee surgery is also elective, and often covered for inmates.

Nothing the DNC did torpedoed Sanders. He was losing before the DNC even started talking smack about him. While reprehensible, none of the DNC’s talk/actions amounted to any “fixing” or substantial influence of the result. Hillary won the majority of primary voters in 2008, but lost in the delegate system with

This. Women can have great shooting ability and court sense, but get physically dominated in other parts of the game co-ed.

With the best HS players in a large region, probably. But not like, any HS team. I’ve seen a top Pac-12 point guard have her way on the court with top Seattle-area HS mens players while they were training over the summer. What she lacked athletically she made up for with court sense and knowing the game. A saw a guy

Not sure where you are getting your population statistics from. I’ve seen a range of estimates for population, sometimes with more MTFs but never more than double let alone “overwhelming”. Anecdotally, the FTM peer group is just as big as the MTF peer group at my local LGBT community center. Maybe you are sensing an

Transguy here. I second that. There might be slightly more transwomen, but it’s a very hard population to measure.

I think that’s very complicated. Mental illness is stigmatized in the general population to a point where it’s hard to discuss it in reference to policy outside of the mental care and medical communities. Most mental health practitioners that work with LGBT clients believe stigma is likely the cause of the disparity

I bet these people are really upset Jesus is often depicted as white and Buddha as east asian.

I go by Papa. In my defense I went by Mama to my 1 year old daughter before I transitioned to living as a man. (My wife preferred ‘Mommy’ and since she was birthing, she got first dibs.) Going from Mama to Papa just made a lot of sense because they are relative terms and sound more similar than jumping to Daddy. But