
Not really the same thing. Tarzan happened because overt sexism and racism were normative. The movie reflects that. Baby it’s cold outside lyrics were because women’s sexual autonomy was not normative. And the song challenges that with playful lyrics.

Three things you need to sort out.

It’s likely not a conscious bias. Society weighs fathers involvement with sons way more than daughters, and as if fathers are the only male role models for boys (which is rubbish, lesbians raise great sons, male role models are everywhere). Plus, as people have pointed out, this is for, like 2-8 weeks. Kids literally

First off, the guys I hang with don’t go around saying “I’m a feminist” because 1) it’s not a pick up line and 2) believing in equality for women is a baseline, a given. But they aren’t afraid of the word either, and will say they are feminists when asked.

You have a very narrow view of feminism. Feminism is about dismantling the patriarchy and bringing equality to the sexes. Sure, a large part of that is creating spaces and amplifying women’s voices, which have been pushed out by the patriarchy. However, patriarchy hurts women and men. Feminism is also as much about

If a man supports equality for women with his actions and words, he is a feminist. Limiting feminism to only women who support equal rights for women is a bit sad and ridiculous. 1. For excluding half of the population in the responsibility for equality. 2. The crazy fact there are women that don’t believe in label or

My brother-in-law is Spanish. There reception was all-night/morning and involved woven baskets filled to the brim with cigarettes being carted around by some of the early-20s ladies in the wedding party. I think this is a common southern European thing.

Context and Surrogacy. You keep saying these words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

Surrogacy is most often used with the couples sperm/egg. I’m being nitpicky because there are nits to pick. Strikethrough “surrogacy” for “egg donation” or “many forms of fertility treatment” and you’ve made your point in this case and wider context. Your substance I totally agree with.

Doh, no less despicable.

Actually, just to be THAT guy, surrogacy can happen with the couple’s sperm and egg, making it 100% the couples DNA. This occurs when a woman’s eggs are fine but her uterus is not an option for carry (or less often, chooses to not carry).

Yes, labs want no part in this. The insemination happened when the reproductive lab made embryos. No lab will do that without signed consents and no legal question (verbal withdrawal). Also, no lab will implant an embryo without signed consents and no legal question either. If there is ambiguity whether part of a

Infertility is an incredibly psychologically painful medical condition. For many, but not all couples, it is treatable. There is no reason logically why having a biological child through IVF is any more “selfish” than having a child than through intercourse (unless by accident). Sperm meets egg. There might be help

Depends on the couple. Mommy and Mama is common. There is even a great children’s book using those names. Sometimes one parent uses a name that isn’t traditional. Like a first name or nickname. I’ve seen Maddy used by a woman on the masculine side of gender expression.

“A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality” appeared in Nature in 1995 supporting the hypothesis early brain development and sex hormone interaction is the cause of transgenderism. The majority of studies since then have expanded and supported this hypothesis.

Somewhere I read a survey of FTM phalloplasty operations. The trend was to opt for a bigger dick than their partners would prefer, cause, you know, men.

That really sucks. The phrase fully functional is definitely misleading. Stories like these and those of vets make me realize FTMs have some blessings. I hope medical science can at some point return sensation to him.

Ugh. Poor guy.

Umm...I think the purpose was to highlight “fully functional” was implying something that is not possible. In addition to hair removal on his dick, he will probably need an erection rod of some sort. And as some have implied, probably little to no sensation. I understand this is a god send to him. I was born without

Ugh. Lot of compassion for this guy.