this article is pretty dumb

Most European ones.

America isn’t a country, it’s a business.

Ehm, China and India are arguably larger than US. Your point?

The reason is the rich can’t decide who gets what cut.

I suspect that if they made one that runs on gas it would become reality. =)

I mean that’s all well and good and all, but I do believe you forgot to mention Benghazi.

What it should tell you is that people make that choice not based on taste, but other factors. Some of which may be quite legitimate for the person who makes the choice.

Oh I completely missed your message (was on a conference call). Sorry...I screwed up. Yes the companies with otc store brand just have a different box/private label. What I meant to say and what I thought you were saying was that brand loyalty was an issue. Medical professionals chose store brand over name brand for

Doesn’t this just speak to how easy it is to dupe the masses? “Artisan”, “Hand Crafted”, and all the other dumb marketing platitudes that people just lap up, it’s just embarrassing.

The manliest part of all this? After getting bear raped, Leo rolls over looks into the bear’s eyes and tells him it was merely “OK”

I don’t know how to take a review that doesn’t end in a nonsensical letter grade. I’m giving this movie a B for bears.

Supposedly, the things that allowed us to have larger brains were an upright stance and the ability to sweat. Big brains produce big heat. If you can’t remove heat efficiently your brain cooks. Our nearly naked skin allows sweating. Also the upright posture put us further away from the ground, the main source of heat

“Can I just stay out of this debate? Aaron Hernandez is a good friend of mine. I have known him for a long time. I support all my friends. That is what I have to say. He’s a good friend of mine.”

Jeesh, look at moneybags over here. Hey everybody, this kid had rich parents who bought him all kinds of sweet toys! Isn’t that cool, guys? That he had parents who bought him lots of neat toys? That he had so many toys that he now can complain about the toys?

I would have to disagree. The marketing is the primary reason Bud Light is so popular. The look of the can will definitely be a factor in what someone chooses, especially if they don’t care about the taste.

Sometimes I want to be fancy and sometimes I just want to drink 18 beers in one sitting on my deck for 12.99.
People that whine about beer are not allowed to be my friends. You should happy with whatever beer I give you for free, no complaints.

Au contraire the throwback packaging of Miller Lite cans increased sales, I believe...

Well fuck gang, that is why we should have moved the trial out of bmore.

Yeah the discovery of fire, made possible for so much evolution of the species.

Madison Square park is great, what are you talking about?