
My slogan for this is "Arson: it happens to the best of us."

I for one won't allow tears to be used against me as a weapon.

One thing I liked about True Blood — the first season, at least — was that the costume department said that they didn't want to have a waitress in rural Louisiana dressed in Dior. So they specifically went after Forever 21 and Delia's and other stores that a girl like Sookie would actually shop at.

Challenge: write about either woman's appearance without inducing knee jerk accusations of bodysnarking/thin shaming. YOU CAN'T DO IT.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA one of the questions on the AMA:

I would not date him in a box, I would not date him as a fox.

No blush wine? If I recall, the main character blushed, flushed and was nonplussed throughout most of the book.

I think they really missed an opportunity to have a pinot grigio called "Fifty Shades of Grigio."

the guy at around 1:50, who gets run over by the van and gets up... wtf is his diet, bricks?

I've heard that in some parts of the world, there is this magical thing known as a "siesta," and I want it so bad. WHY IS IT NOT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE FOR ADULTS TO TAKE NAPS IN THIS DANG COUNTRY.

Sorry Jez, that's a nice thought, but I am afraid the answer is still:

So, Mr. Smith, before you were stabbed were you wearing a shirt? When the knife pierced your chest did you specifically tell your attacker to stop? When he stabbed you the second time did you bother to say "No" in a firm clear voice? When you walked around being a jerk earlier in the day, weren't you pretty much

Thank you, thisroughbeast. This is exactly what I wanted to say, but said so much better than I'd have rage-typed.

Wow, a lot of people in this thread really have no idea what being an "ally" means. As in: do not speak for other women, especially if you are are a privileged white woman who is assuming she knows what the "real" problems are for someone else. I know you know this, but jesus, this thread is depressing. Being an ally

Brian Desesa, an attorney representing Lee, did not say, "My client did not do this."

I think I do when I read an article on the internet that has information contrary to what I was taught in school. In fact, you questioned it above, asking if what you knew was true essentially.

Budgor to Maasai: Get a Brain, Morans!

All the comments denying that this is a big deal are why we need to keep talking about it.

I know. I mean, clearly, the article is click bait. And that worked. But, wow, the disgusting take on it all, blaming the media and not the boys, the side-stepping of responsibility and the acceptance that this was some sort of town tragedy.