
Not to state the blindingly obvious, but what are the odds that he would have done this to a man?

I know so many people with PTSD who would have legit punched this guy for touching them like that. And not even meant to.

Bless you, channel 4. You always bring the best and weirdest (and raciest) to mainstream UK audiences. And bless you, the internet, for allowing me to keep up with the shit they air.

But, but, but this was the only light in the tunnel that was the cancellation of Person of Interest....

Seriously though, I’d rather face the electric chair than lethal injection. Guillotine would be a picnic in comparison. Bloody, but fast and effective. Not a bad way to go, if you’ve got to go.

I got kicked out of my Christian youth group because I had too many questions. Still one of my proudest religious moments. At fourteen I’d already read the whole bible a few times over (skipping the begats because fuck that) and I had a lot of questions. The youth leader was only able to parrot back what he’d been

My mother had two toxic parents. But here’s the thing: My mother is an awesome mom. We’ve had problems - especially the teenage years - but I loved her as a kid, and I love her now (I loved her when I was a shitty teenager with chronic depression, but it kind of got lost in translation). As an adult, my mom and I get

I’m like your kids. Some of it is personality. I’ve never been shy, and I’ve always been happy to toddle off on my own and explore. But it’s also really good attachment. It means that you trust that you can go adventuring and your mom will be there when you return. I have a sense of security that no matter where I go,

Pro tip buddy, try pursuing the option of NOT HARASSING PEOPLE.

I’ll second this. I was bullied as a kid for having an accent and ever since I sound like whomever I’m talking to. Oklahoma was akward. Scotish, Irish, Rural Ontario...doesn’t matter. If I was around Louisiana Black folk for ten minutes I’m sure people would accuse me of being an asshole. But truth is, accents are

May he always have low battery. May his socks slip down his feet. May he always need to sneeze but never quite manage it. May he shart whenever he farts. May he step on lego.

I’ve heard that the reason it affects more boys is because of a catch-22. People believe girls don’t get autism so they aren’t diagnosed, so people don’t believe girls get autism. Also, for the milder end of the spectrum, girls learn to fake neurotypical behaviour better because they’re penalized more harshly by

Thank you for posting this. I think what I love about these girls is how effortless their amazing vocals are. They just seem to breeze through the difficult parts while still giving it emotion. Their single is slickly produced which can prop up less talented singers, but damn, these two have the magic.

I’m honestly surprised that TSE isn’t a paunchy, balding white dude with a beard.

Quite apart from the tiresome Bury Your Gays trope, which I am 400% done with, thanks, can we still be excited that he said the word bisexual? Bisexual, bisexual, BI-FUCKIN’-SEXUAL! God that feels good.

I’m sure someone else has put this idea to you, but what if he took your last name?

. “Now it wasn’t just that Xena was bisexual and kinda liked her gal pal and they kind of fooled around sometimes, it was ‘Nope, they’re married, man.’”

I was raised evangelical and it’s given me a pathological squick response to religion now. Especially evangelical. (As an aside, evangelicals ruined Batlestar Galactica for me, I can’t fucking stand the show because they won’t shut up about Robot Jesus.)

I’ve done my share of single-time and my share of relationship time and I will always vote for being single over a minute of bullshit. I mean, all relationships have ups and downs, but this takes the cake. Get out girl. This is a house of bees.

I always thought it was because it wasn’t his legal name. Like, I’m a cis woman who goes by her middle name. If someone was reporting on me, they could use my first name, or they could use my preferred name. It’s not the name I have to use on legal forms, but it is the one I go by. Like Mooselander says above - it’s a