

this is a great post and I mean no disrespect by posting this here but does anyone want to talk about the super dickish move anova pulled requiring registration to use their app after the last update? I hardly ever used the app anyway but sometimes it was nice to see if my water is up to temp while holding the couch

wait...wait a don’t just eat avocados like apples? how come nobody told me this??? SON OF A BITCH...

Speaking from experience, dried tomato skins don’t get fine enough of a grind in a food processor. I tried years ago and was left with flakes. Maybe a better quality machine would have helped.

for the phrase:

that dude =

<grumpy old man>unless you are using it as a mixer, juice is stupid. you want juice? eat a fucking apple. as a bonus you get fiber too.</grumpy old man>

1) buy stupidly expensive cat toy

guest column?

we want DUCK....we want DUCK...we want DUCK

are you using a pat of butter or a shit ton? shit ton makes it easier and awesomer

basic veg for beginners

if you slow down and work clean and you shouldn’t have that much of a mess or move every few years and make the next sucker deal with it...

For meat find a real butcher shop and go when they aren’t super busy. A real butcher that actually takes pride in what he/she does should be happy help

15 boxes of baking mix + today being 4/20 + u = win

you know why I like this, like really really like this? because now anytime anyone give me shit about how much my breville one-touch cost I can say fuck you at least I didn’t spend $500 on an ice maker! actually I already usually say the first part and I may buy this thing for fun too. the idea of filling a tumbler

My favorite is probably fig, in which I make it like a vodka watermelon but instead it’s a decent size wheel of brie just stuffed with fig jam and then I puff pastry it like Chef John says to and I eat the whole thing by myself

doesn’t anybody just tell people to fuck off anymore?

now just figure out a way to keep that one yucky mouth breathing creeper from having to touch every mother loving thing on the plate and I will personally submit your application to the most awesomely awesome person ever contest committee

ding...ding...ding we have a winner