I liked the first episode then almost dropped it around episode 4 for the same reason, stuck with it and it’s getting better.
I liked the first episode then almost dropped it around episode 4 for the same reason, stuck with it and it’s getting better.
Same, I remember the head or ear bleeding thing but don’t recall anything about a broken finger.
I think you’re right and they’re trying to shift the blame to Delta without specifically saying it.
The best part, their method also brews in the ‘danger zone’. Room temp is between 40-140
Pelosi isn’t a boomer though, she’s from the Silent Generation. I wish she would start playing the part.
Did that happen in Texas too? I only heard about Tennessee
It’s not just that it’s a video game controller, it’s that it’s a value (cheap) video game controller. That along with your point of it being wireless, and apparently no backup included (as far as I’ve read) are the real issues.
Right? There’s a couple of really easy options here if he doesn’t want to be called out, either stop taking bribes or resign.
I’m running a Rapid Fire & Trap Rogue without any imbuements and feel the same way. According to everything I watch/read, it shouldn’t work but it does.
He’s a lion man, wearing the head of a lion as a vest? That’s really weird
I don’t know much about him either, but based on the trailer it looks like his dad is Zeus so he’s at least a demigod.
What’s your build? I’m doing ok with all six, but it would be nice to have one more so I can run an imbuement for my rogue
The other part of the original story that didn’t make sense is that she failed to mention that she was talking with him beforehand. It sounded like security just picked her at random and forced her into the bathroom. The video does nothing to exonerate him in my mind.
Exactly, I commented that the other story seemed completely made up. This video makes it seem likely that it did happen and she’s just misremembering some details (likely due to some ptsd).
Exactly, it’s not like the camera moved. Maybe it ‘malfunctioned’
I hope he spends a lot of time in jail.
Yeah, that would probably do it. My comment might come off as dismissive, it’s really just inquisitive. I’m curious about how they (AI Experts, not CEOs) expect this to play out.
I agree that it could certainly read that way. I’m not a prolific enough commenter on here to have my intent be obvious, but I’m a ‘believe the victim’ guy...except this time.
I 100% believe the headline, that dropped to 50% with the multiple security guard involvement and about 6% with the “I don’t want him to be held accountable, just give me some money”
I’ve seen a lot of articles here about when AI is going to kill us all, but not about how. Are we expecting them to get access to nukes and just blow us all up?