
“I constantly had to educate people and explain why I identified with those pronouns,”

Sounds like disconnects leave you in world for 15 seconds before logging you out, so certainly a good chance of dying if you lose that connection.

As others have said, plan B is OTC and the FDA advisory board has recommended OTC for birth control as well.

Agreed, I can’t decide if it’s better or worse than the weekly release that Apple and Disney use.  Both are annoying

Not arbitrary, it’s a month apart so you need to pay for two months of netflix if you want to watch both halves right away.

So, they write a letter about the pattern of misleading or inaccurate responses but fail to include any of those responses?  How can you claim someone lied under oath without referencing the alleged lie?

Canada’s on fire and Hawaii’s about to explode. The scales are in balance, for now.

I would assume that attitude predated the West Wing by at least several decades.

I may be misremembering it, but I think that was a fourth wall break question to the audience. Like, will you be here next March?

Wortman claimed the sperm was from an anonymous medical student

Can we do fact checkers for all news instead? Real life “journalists” constantly misstate, misrepresent or outright lie about things already.

There’s also the “I don’t follow any of that stuff” crowd that is just blissfully unaware of anything happening outside of their lives.

If you don’t have a plan for the future of your children, why bother?

I just checked and it’s there on all trims

I don’t know for sure, but going by what’s reported here it looks like it would be both.

On the thumbnail, I just assumed they were all holding rifles and that sadly didn’t even phase me.

Holy shit, DJ Quall has not aged well

Are you suggesting that those are actually four different people?

Minnesota’s bill would’ve guaranteed drivers in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area a base wage of $1.45 per mile and $0.34 per minute

Admitting that you enjoy the suffering of innocent people is not a great look, Sassy