I don’t have to imagine it
I don’t have to imagine it
Was he not? He plead(ed?) guilty, I just assumed he’d be convicted.
The rest of the article covers that pretty well.
I think it’s mainly because Kylie doesn’t know what she’s doing.
Unless they tie some price fixing to those subsidies, it will just move the final price up.
Boebert and Jayson were both arrested
The cost of raising a child in the U.S. averages out to over $300k a year
Right, and the really weird thing is that I was just fed a Willow ad on TikTok. Why advertise a show that you’ve already committed to pulling?
That’s not how write offs work.
What precedent do you think it will set? I like your optimism, but this pattern of DV to murder has been happening forever and nothing has changed.
It’s $10 a month vs $30 for a physical disc. If you don’t watch anything else on paramount, and you know you’re going to rewatch D&D several times it makes sense.
That’s exactly what the poltergeists would say.
It’s not federal, not sure if any states require that either.
Is it haunted?
They’re concerned about their kids’ education. They’re concerned about the border and how out of control it is. They’re concerned about crime and … why is there a Chinese spy balloon
Exactly, they’ll report huge quarterly profits that “fell short of projections”. Higher ups get profit bonuses while everyone else has their bonus tied to those unachievable goals.
Up until the shooting, he had been under a care plan that included a parent being present with him in the classroom
Your headline and first paragraph are wrong, it’s not all full time employees, it’s salaried employees.
Workplace violence is covered under worker’s compensation insurance. However, most states will only allow a victim to be compensated through a single channel. Her suing the school district, instead of going through their WC insurance carrier should net her a much better (well deserved) payout.
I just consider it an admission of guilt by whoever throws it out at this point.