Not just criminals, equal opportunity criminals
Not just criminals, equal opportunity criminals
Why was it so easy for him to get and keep his guns despite multiple run ins with law enforcement?
Yay, some good(ish) news from Nebraska. Megan is amazing, working hard along with Cavanaugh to protect the few rights we have left.
So the first thing you need to do if you’re considering divorcing your spouse is to make sure you can afford those bills.
I have some bad habits that put me at risk of cancer, I’m consenting to that risk when I engage in those habits. Does that mean I shouldn’t be able to have that cancer treated?
I’ve seen similar situations, clients think if they can just have someone cover the up front costs of payroll and float that for a few months they can finally make ends meet. It never really works out though.
When you say skimming from what you’re paying, do you mean paying the employee less than they agreed to or just charging a markup on the hourly wage?
We charge generally 40% above the hourly pay rate, but that’s to cover FICA, Work Comp and Unemployment Insurances along with payroll processing and staff to recruit and…
For sure, blame primarily goes to the kidnapper followed closely by the PD
Your money off the top comment is way off base as well. The company that you’re working at pays the agency, the employee does not.
If you’re making less than the company would start other workers at, you’re getting screwed and should find another agency to work with.
And a 100% markup is nearly unheard of in the…
*Most of that half trillion dollar now is actually transitional employment. Not to say that traditional temporary positions don’t exist, but a lot of agencies only do “temp to hire” meaning you work for them for 90 days before rolling to the other employer’s payroll.
I’m far from perfect and probably would have failed him as well, that doesn’t excuse his parents for failing him though. I can (and do) sympathize with them while also acknowledging their part in preventing this.
You’ll never believe this
The government has been paying women to travel and kill kids since they were allowed to be part of combat units.
The kid was failed by everyone involved.
The McConneys restricted their child’s access to the internet, but discovered he was using another phone in their house
I love that the dog whistle here is “these woke kids just want to sleep all day” Words don’t mean anything
You’re still hit with the 10% penalty if you’re below retirement age when you roll to an IRA
You can try their Resolution Center
On the cost section - with SF, you pay a $20 styling fee that’s taken off your final cost, so as long as you keep something you’re refunded that. There’s also the 20% discount if you do keep everything.
As for the time value, you’re spending maybe 5 -10 minutes driving out of your way to a mailbox vs hours shopping.
Or, at least after your post-graduation trip across Europe