I bet you order your steak well done.
I bet you order your steak well done.
I believe you're looking for the standardized version found here.
A. During Cold War the German armed forces were under NATO command and obligated to execute their full arms allotment (495,000 soldiers). German fighter pilots were trained in using the Allies' nuclear arsenal, because the availability, readiness and proximity of the German troops in case of an attack were crucial.…
What wrong with helmet hair at the big client meeting proposal thingy?
Did he serve you koolaid? Honk the torchbug once for yes and twice for no.
Prices haven't changed much on Brit roadsters...as thirteenth said, check out Spitfire and Midgets as well and buy the best one you can afford. They really are solid little cars...also, girls think they are cute too and driving one shows that you aren't trying to compensate for anything!
I once purchaced a sheriffs car from the leo auction and it was super fun. I was delivering pizza in it and it was so funny to somtimes see people run out the back door when I pulled up in thier yards. Good fun !!!
I thought you were gonna imply I could buy a bus for $5k. I am now disappointed.
And don't forget the Crack
Boy have I got a Fiero for you.
maybe could be just might be in some way perhaps greatest .gif ever.
My best note prank was on my kids. I'd pack their lunches in brown paper bags and write "My Favorite Child" on one and "The Other One" on the other. My kids always thought it was hilarious.
The major downside is that, like any hovercraft, it will be full of eels.
Very little body roll.
Edison didn't even invent the light bulb, He just paid for the patent!
This article is a bit misleading ... why you may ask? it's because there is a difference. Cheap branded phones (samsung, htc,....) are not worth the money because of really bad specs, but cheap nonbranded phones (read Chinese companies) are definitely worth it. For example the cheapest phone on the chinese market with…
+1 again, some people just don't get it.
Whenever I read a story like this, I'm always saddened by the pointlessness of war and the loss of human life. These stories demonstrate that we are capable of behaving humanely to each other, yet it only seems to happen briefly.