

dibs on how-to’s, backyard builds/fab/resto, and technical ‘splainers. that’s my wheelhouse for sure!

re: the yellow 86 - this is basically a 200hp 7/8ths scale Gen4 Supra for 25K? I think that’s a pretty damn good deal.

that ratrod SSR is actually really good looking.

“respectfully, my client is just fed up with the PLC cabinets, thats all officer. honest. the PLCs at his place of employment were full of bugs. yeah.....” - probably not an effective defense

I would like to apologize to everyone for having to witness such a impolite and selfish altercation. Up here, we aren’t proud of that kind of hooliganism.
Also, the man is the IS will be banned from all hot pink short-wearing for 3 months as of this writing.

Dad-cop makes strong arguements. He gets a Timmies gift card

true say. electric transportation (cars or bikes) are nowhere near competitive up here, even less competitive than down south. but if they were, I think lots of people would be using them, especially in the bigger cities to get to work.

sure! italian design too! gimme gimme!

but seriously, if HD can put out the livewire or similar for 15K, hell, less than 20K here in canuckistan, it would clean up. Sadly, if the livewire even gets here it will be way more. Zero bikes are still too expensive here to be an actual contender as a city/commuting bike. The

if i’ve said it once (which I have) i’ve said it a million times (which I haven’t): Major OEMs, please please please market a bike that is a real alternative to a gas bike in the city, and i’m all over it. something like the LiveWire without the Harley-Doucheburger tax.
Zero and/or Brammo are sooooooo close, but just

you know what car has the safest car-screen? the one without all that crap.
... like a miata ...

I will go so far as to say it works, but can only work on a bagger. I cannot visualize a cyclopian naked bike for example. maaaaaaaayyyyybe a fully faired one (race-rep style) but not one with a single headlight and no fairing. That would be like a floating cyclops eye. No bueno

Ecoboost mustang.

5th gear: sure, gas is cheap now, but it is cheap only because Saudi Arabia is in a pissing match with north american producers. Once everyone figures out how to make boatloads of cash on oil again, prices will go back up. Why buy a big truck or SUV now? do you think that it will take more than the lifetime of that

The TT is a wonderful spectacle to behold. It really is the last of a dying breed though. Back in the day, all races were like this, just a bunch of people tear-assing around a place trying to be the fastest. We’ve slowly moved these races onto circuits for various (and valid) reasons, but the TT hasn’t changed.

that is a GREAT commercial. i definitely lol’d.
what isnt great is what happened in austria. that is super sad.

I don’t think they are related to Ural motorcycles. They just named it after the same region. and also, trademarks are like lane markings in russia. fuck ‘em.
and yeah, these probably wont be road legal here in canada anyway, so the only hope is wait for the 25 yr rule to allow them.

That is 100% definitely how to make a marketing video.
To sell a truck:
1: wade thru at least 10” of mud, and preferably a stream or two
2: drive straight up a mountain
3: drive through trees (not around them)
4: dubstep
5: bleak despair of russia

damn, i want that mazda.

so i guess that lil’ jelopic site is on the same level as TG:UK?
somebody is on notice. are you guys on notice, or TG?? I need closure here!!

my guess would be that they wouldnt replace the whole airbag, but instead replace the ignitor module. I would have to assume that the ignitor ‘module’ is a sub-part of the whole airbag, so maybe they can just replace that and re-use the bulk of the airbag module. sorta like how you would how you may be able to replace