hey, if ping pong is an olympic event drifting can be racing. Its not the world we chose, but its the one we’ve got.
hey, if ping pong is an olympic event drifting can be racing. Its not the world we chose, but its the one we’ve got.
Hot take. How do you respond to allegations that this “Raptor” is just a clone of ancient pick up trucks, created by splicing Fusion DNA with motor oil found inside an oil filter encased in amber?
*pulls out five bars*
each and every one of them is a cry for help.
Fast and Florida.
“Fuck this, I’m not dying in Florida”
They should probably vet him before he visits. Then put him through some advanced interrogation, just to determine what his intentions are. Then if necessary, place him in some sort of camp until they determine what to do with people of his kind.
For when you need to take both your wife and your 19-year old mistress.
Seems likely McGuiness will show up given the Honda product placement. Kind of ironic that the movie seems to be about an older racer on a Honda since this year the only remotely competitive Honda riders were McGuiness and Anstey.
I’ve developed a theory that multi-valve engines have kinda destroyed cool engine sound. I’ve noticed it because there are enough examples of cars before and after they went from 2 to 4 valve configurations but retained largely the same engine otherwise (Volvo’s redblock, BMW’s straight sixes) that you can hear it for…
Hey man...I’m like school in the summertime.
Honda focus groups have determined that many will buy the new Civic just based on the shifter that goes to 11.
Turning over but not waking up....typical Ferrari reliability.
No, a thousand times no. The most terrifying part of the video was the sudden retraction from full extension to zero extension. THAT is the deathtrap part. FOr comparison, my hydraulic floor jack has a safety valve that fails softly and slowly when overloaded.
I was told there would be no math.
Reasons there will never be mass appeal:
1. Bikes are more dangerous. Even if you’re the only one on the road, they aren’t as forgiving, especially in weather. And when things go wrong you aren’t just getting a bumper re-painted, unless that’s what you call a skin graft.
One time I was at a strip club in Houston and the waitress told me somebody “knocked over” my motorcycle. I ran outside just in time to see the security guard empty his pistol into the rear window of a Miata that was attempting to run him over in reverse. The Miata guy drove across the street to a gas station, got out…