
I saw her willingness to take what Rhea was serving as a natural follow-up to their previous tête-à-tête at Argestes... we all loved that conversation and it seemed like Shiv probably did too. Rhea seemed genuine there, and was telling Shiv what she wanted to hear. Which is the real Achilles’ heel for Shiv I think...

I am 100% Team Shiv (sorry) but I was not liking the last couple of episodes of her being, to my mind, written in such a way that I thought was not quite honest to her character, specifically a naivete in gauging the sincerity of her Dad. And this episode was going there again. A brilliantly acted lunch conversation

I think this is Shiv's season like season 1 was Kendall's. I suspect we're going to see a hard fall for Shiv by season's end. 

I’m sorry, but what about Shiv that is as awful as her family? Did she kill someone and cover it up like Kendall and Logan did? Did she blow up a rocket, costing the company billions, as well as try to imagine having sex with a corpse to a significant other and masturbates in the office like Roman? Is she bragging to

But he is a weird wealthy thief!

But of course the maid/cook is treated like “an equal” when guests are around. 

I hope that the show gets into past family life of the Roys. Those kids are so afraid of Logan, and are like puppy dogs for any amount of praise.

especially the using and abusing of Tom which is the root of the fan hate towards her

I liked the vulgarity (if that’s the right word) of Tom using ham as the product which cash pays for. Cut through all of the Pierce snobbery.  Although there would have been something even better if they called back to milk.

This. I’m kinda resentful of all the audience members (they seem to be overwhelmingly male, too, apparently, and I feel like in the wake of all the Skyler hate in the Breaking Bad days - I didn’t even watch that show and I knew about the Skyler hate - that it’s not implausible that there’s some relationship there) who

If you look carefully at around the 49:50/50:00 minute mark, when the Roys are shuffling the halls toward their meeting with Nan, Kendall is at the back of their line as they pass a maid coming down the stairs, carrying a laundry basket, and looking suspiciously at Kendall... I think we’re meant to understand that she

I assumed Kendall was going to find the least-smelly way possible to smuggle out the evidence and throw it away at home.  The staff being mystified by the disappearance of a set of sheets seems better than the staff gossiping about how Kendall Roy shit his bed.

I was hoping he’d fly it and crash it, and then escape—each season they could replay the accident from the first-season finale with a more unlikely mode of transport. Next season: Kendall crashes the space shuttle into the Gulf of Mexico.

He’s on the board, and I think Logan worries that it looks bad if he’s not around. I think it’s pretty clear that Logan is pretty embarrassed by him, which is why he doesn’t take Roman’s CEO ambitions seriously.

I was super terrified when he actually turned the helicopter on.

The purest treasure mortal times afford
Is spotless reputation: that away,
Men are but gilded loam or painted clay.
Mine honour is my life; both grow in one:
Take honour from me, and my life is done:

Can you just move house without your husband while in the midst of being evaluated by child services?

yep, the couch she no longer wanted and then he walked to the bedroom, where all his clothes were still hanging in the closet and their stripped-down mattress was still on the bedframe.

I agree, because if Nancy was planning to just disappear, then the wrath from social services would yield worse results than anything she was experiencing with Tench...

This is one of my biggest beefs with this episode. Like, I’m not a student of military strategy and tactics, and even I could see it was a bad idea. Really, no one else in the room realized this?