
Bran wasn’t useless, though. He was the bait. He played his role perfectly.

Ayra basically was rolling high tonight and scored a crit success on her Sneak Attack on the Night King

But does it make him a new person? That is, was he borne of himself, or of a Baratheon?

Excellent catch on the rights of succession renunciation. I don't think anyone has mentioned that thus far, here or in the show. Huh.

But he died and the nightwatch vow only holds until death so... the nightwatch vow is no longer relevant.

His oath to the Night’s Watch ended when he died. There's no rule that says he's still bound by that oath if he gets resurrected. 

Then Jon died and got brought back to life. His oath to the Night’s Watch ended once he died. So technically he can claim titles. 

Yes. According to the Targaryen history Martin just published, the Targaryens were exempt from any laws the church may have had regarding marriage.

Cersei is defeated in the next episode. Last four is Dany negotiating loans with Bravos, and Tyrion renovating Casterly Rock.

I think the show is purposefully making us question whether we were right to be supportive of her pursuit of the throne. Everyone in the North is skeptical of her in a way that we haven’t been conditioned to be skeptical, up to now. Sam is reminding us of how she treats those who don’t bend the knee, just as Sansa is

But did anyone notice the blue eyed kids at Winterfell. Crazy...Night Walkers already inside.

And as we all know from real history, if a person’s is disqualified from being king somehow, the fact his son still carries his blood is never used by some faction later on as justification for why they should get to control the throne now...

Screwing her nephew isn’t big deal for her, her people have been marrying brothers and sisters for generations to keep the bloodline.

Fun fact, Grey Worm is two days from retirement.

Yup. As others have pointed out…the show is about a year from perastroika. Unless they're seriously gonna screw with the historical timeline, there aren't going to be any major war crimes coming up.

It's like the Reagan assassination attempt episode. There really was a lot of confusion after the shooting, like Secretary of State Alexander Haig appearing to try to take control improperly, an unusual number of Soviet submarines off the Atlantic coast, etc. This is why the show is great historical fiction, it takes


Haha. "Come on, fucker, touch me!" Followed by a Looney Tunes or Benny Hill-style chase scene.

Sometimes I feel like what GRRM is writing (and HBO is adapting) is a story where every character becomes compromised by the darkness either within or without. We've still got two whole books left, and the only characters that I can think of who remain generally "good" are Bran and maybe Brienne and Podrick. That's

But Ellaria and the Sand Snakes were horrible, just horrible. They should have died offscreen in a boating accident.