
The Hockey Team Riders of Rohan will come to destroy them all, as was foretold. . .

I don't think they'll necessarily show anybody getting beaten to death with a baseball bat. They don't have to. We didn't see Carol shoot Lizzie dead either. . . but shoot her she did.

You did see what happened to Carol, right?

Well, yes, but compared to the "join us or we'll eat you" dictum of Terminus, how scary can Negan really be?

I guess that's the problem with anarchy. . . sooner or later, it always collapses into government.

Negan was cool, but yes, the speech went on a little too long and lost some of the impact.

I'm surprised none of the reviews have made the snarky observation that it wasn't just camerawork: Negan really did kill the show's audience.

I think he just put it on the mantel and forgot that it had to be kept refrigerated at all times.

You may be right, but my guess is that the Centre's idea about how to handle an accidental infection is to instruct the infected individuals to quarantine themselves in a safehouse and then park in front of it. If they live, great. If they die, that's unlucky. If they try to leave. . . they get shot, wrapped in

The pink Cadillac, of course.

I have a chilling premonition that Claire is going to talk to the audience exactly once, and it will be the last thing we see on the show.

I'll be shocked if he lives long enough to finish writing it. (Then again, I'm shocked that he's still alive now.)

True, and surely not everyone on the show needs to have a dark secret. . . after Agent WILLOW, it would make sense for the show to go in the other direction and have someone who seems innocent turn out to actually be innocent. . .

He goes on missions to the developing world, though. . . even if he's exactly who he appears to be, he's almost certainly been in danger a few times.

Ah, but Pastor Tim was also the first person to teach Paige that sometimes doing the right thing can mean breaking the law. Chaining himself to the gate of a military base to protest nuclear weapons might have put him on the FBI's radar, but his role in the Centre's plans (if he has one) isn't the same as Liz and

The Centre has promised not to intervene to recruit Paige directly (but very grudgingly, and only after Philip basically threatened to expose Directorate S if his wishes weren't heeded).

Good point. The KGB's entire plan here was foolish. Biological weapons are inherently unpredictable and unstable. . . and if there's a dumber way to transport a deadly pathogen than sticking a vial of it on an international flight out of one of the world's busiest airports, I have yet to hear it.

If the Centre bumps off Philip and Liz (which is probably much easier said than done), Directorate S itself might as well close up shop. No Phil and Liz means no stealth technology, no intel on SDI, no access to submarine designs*, no mole in FBI counterintelligence. . . the list goes on and on.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I still think Pastor Tim is working with the Centre. Why else would he tell Paige to talk to her parents and try to learn more about their exciting jobs as Soviet illegals? Anyone normal would be trying to convince her to go to a shelter, take her brother with her, and call the

Does anyone else question the wisdom of storing a bioweapon that must be kept refrigerated at absolutely all times, lest Armageddon ensue, behind the freaking dryer??