
I wasn't going to buy this game or even consider it, but if it's managed to inspire a reviewer to coin the phrase "anarcho-calvinist" (which, now that it exists, sheds new light on almost every video game I've ever played, all the way back to Space Invaders), there's a chance that there's a spark of something

Yes, but Denise was in the middle of explaining just why she felt compelled to do such a stupid, risky thing (in a way that was beginning to add up into something close to a plausible explanation) when she got a crossbow bolt through the head.

I got the impression that they were lurking along the tracks waiting to bushwack whoever came by.

I think Rossita was thinking more in terms of Walkers. In the forest, they have a way of creeping up out of nowhere and swarming you before you know what the heck is going on. Walking the rails would help with that. But Daryl is aware that Walkers are no longer the main -or even the primary- threat that survivors need

The fact that an ice cream truck has never once been used in the show has now become apparent to me as a shortcoming that I can never forgive.

Honestly, Paula wasn't so bad. She didn't try to torture information out of her captives, and she didn't do a "countdown until I kill one of them" for psychological effect on Rick.

Exactly. If the sound carried far enough, for long enough, it would draw a bunch of zombies. . . but in a relatively clear area, they'd arrive just a few at a time (at least at first), and not in a mass migration.

She could certainly give that order. . . but the consequences would be hard to predict. The High Septon is now the leader of a well-armed group of paramilitary fanatics, and while they're no match for the Lannister forces in King's Landing, they're more than strong enough to take on the City Watch.

The total number of zombies in the world could be decreasing. Also, the area immediately around that settlement would have probably been subject to constant patrols.

In part, yes. We're invested in Rick's group because we've been following their story. If we'd been following the Saviors story instead, then we'd probably sympathize with them.

Ah, yes. The Wolves.

After their previous exchanges, I think a petty and humiliating demand like that from Maggie would have been just the thing to put Gregory in his place, and underscore the shift in their power dynamic. That is: for all its pettiness, it would have served a serious purpose.

That would have been awesome. . . and great character development. Plus, Maggie didn't need to ask Gregory for that favor; the doctor already owed her every chip in his stack for saving his life.

I see where you’re coming from, dragonfilet - in a lot of ways, this was a completely conventional action film. What sets it apart is its stunningly original aesthetic, for which the film was recognized again and again and again. For me personally, the sum of these accomplishments should have earned it Best Picture as

Actually, Gene the office tech support guy could also be a KGB mole. I don't know what the CIA is doing over in Moscow in the world of The Americans (their scheme to sink a Russian sub by leaking faulty propeller designs was pure sociopathic genius, so they're probably doing pretty well on offense), but in the

I seem to be in the minority here, but I'm really liking this show. The art direction is superb, but what really sells it for me (notwithstanding the lack of character development and the proliferation of weird plot holes) is the way the show plays with ideas.

Same reason they didn't just kill him after knocking him unconscious with a 2x4. Either bad writing or they suspect (I think correctly) that if they kill the second guy the Nazis sent to look for the Resistance agents who killed the first guy the Nazis sent to look for Resistance agents. . . the Nazis will get the

The way the Resistance is getting mowed down and infiltrated makes me wonder how there can still be so many of them still active so many years after the war.

I think the best model for American speech patterns is a kind of punctuated equilibrium. There are decades-long intervals in which people speak in more or less the same tones and patterns, with only occasional changes in slang vocabulary.

I guess the zombies have a short attention span. Although they seem content to wait outside Alexandria for pretty much eternity, moaning patiently for the walls to come down.