
Mia Farrow is a monster. Let’s say that both of the accusations against Allen are true. Let’s say that he groomed Previn for a relationship when she was a teenager. Let’s also say that he took Dylan into an attic one day and put his fingers in her vagina. I actually don’t believe either of those things, but who knows.

Leave Senator Kaine alone. He was here for the Lt Governor and all the delegates of color who won in VA. :-)

Shout out to ALL the white family that voted for those black officials. This is good start to improving race relations. Show us and them (racists, etc) that y’ll are not with the fuckery and you will help put they ass out of office. Next up impeachment.

Proud to say I voted straight Democrat ticket in Virginia today; hope enough others did as well to make Northam our next governor.

As a professional educator, let me say to you, with all due respect and professionalism: fuck you.

The NYT article said that among other things, Paul “Grew pumpkins and composted.” Paul probably did something douchey like put his compost pile right next to Boucher’s property line or something. I can’t imagine living next to Rand Paul for 17 years.

“Fucking Charles Krauthammer is out there saying there was Ruussian collusion and Trump is terrible.”

I’m loathe to defend Rand Paul on anything, but I live in BG and know the Pauls, and know of Boucher. My Venn-social-circle vaguely overlaps RP’s on occasion [having last seen and spoken with him 10 days ago at a party]. Our politics are as far apart as possible, and I despise everything RP stands for.

Because she wants to be seen as a #Woke #Feminist but is now litigating people for pointing out she’s neither.

Put it this way- Boucher broke half a dozen ribs on a sitting US Senator and had bail set at a lower amount ($7500) than most people would probably get for public intoxication.

This is a bullshit misinterpretation of Paul’s position, and frankly, it shows just how dishonest you libs are.

Rational self-interest told him to.

the two “had been known to have ‘heated discussions’ about health care.”

My dad used to get mad enough to want to fist-fight me every time I told him that, nah pops...OJ really did that shit.

WOW. She speaks like someone who has NO FUCKING IDEA about what the re-entry population faces. The answer to reduced recidivism rates isn’t hiring the formerly incarcerated. It is a multi-faceted approach that includes prevention, diversion AND re-entry. You don’t just automatically hire a population that has spent

Yeah, she needs to be dignified when talking to the President.

I’ve told this story before and forgive me, will tell it to the day I die. I double finger saluted Pence a few weeks after the election as I stood all by my lonesome on a corner waiting for his Motorcade of Assholery to pass me by so I could finish a run. IT FELT SO GOOD. Now I wish I had mooned him. Mother was with

Your touching forbearance is duly noted. Jackass.

As a member of the LGBTQ community, your tepid support means the world to me. Thank you.

Yeah, I don’t know about acting like a man in response to a woman shaming another woman.