The Z3/Z3 M roadster style has aged really well, I think.
Minivan time. Power Sliding doors for ease of access. The sienna gots the hybrid so you’ll save on mpg on those long road trips, or get the Honda with the V6 if you want more powa. Then get a Miata for the days you want to drive around with the top down with the dog, he’ll enjoy that very much. And you have so much…
Locking in a very low interest rate over a long period of time (with corresponding low fixed payment) in an inflationary environment was in fact a very wise thing to do.
You are very advanced for your age if you only remember 8.3% inflation! It’s only been above 3% since March 2021, except for the 80's and early 90's.
per capita normalizes for different populations.
Good driver training too. We don’t have that. Most states don’t even have car safety inspections.
The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.
Poor Jalopnik.
Define “should”. Should the 99% of people who don’t drive drunk be forced to blow into their car every time they need to go anywhere? Should I care if someone is too stupid to wear a seatbelt and gets themselves killed? Should we restrict everyone to exactly the same speed so there is no passing, no speed difference…
I don’t fundamentally disagree, but find it frustratign that we don’t set speed limits consistently. we used to have a 1 lane each way road here with no medians 55mph speed limit, this was redone to be 3 lanes each way with a large median, flat road, great visibility and it is now 45 mph. so people appear to be…
So will Elon sue these guys like he sued the BBC and Top Gear for their review of the Tesla Roadster?
Mad respect that he’s not looking for a quick payday (he’s a better man than I), but financial hardship due to his injuries should not fall on him. He’s already a Tigers fan. Hasn’t he suffered enough?