
GORDON AND THE BATMAN, a one-act play:

To be fair, Hughes wanted to take this occasion to showcase a character of his we’ve sadly been acquainted with for the past few years, “Blogger Who’s Nowhere Near As Clever As He Thinks He Is, And Would Really Just Be Better Off Covering Entertainment News In A More Straightforward Fashion”.

The pilot honestly felt like it was a feature film script whittled down to 22 minutes.

it sounds like youre just putting quantum in front of everything. 

That’s not a plot hole, that's just a thing that happened in the movie. 

OOOOOOOOH, I’m gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the humans I see!

Do you watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and what do you make of the numbers in that? I kind of forgot about it because it isn’t a movie, but it strikes me as the clear winner on this front. So many of the numbers are fantastic — well performed, written, choreographed, and edited. Those I do watch repeatedly on YouTube.

“Who’s that tough guy actor? Broad, big guy? Been around forever?”

I think the supplies might be for making protest signs, calling the case a civil rights/racism issue. She could make signs and get people to protest outside the courthouse to pressure the DA into dropping the charges

Which just shows how pissed Mike and Gus must’ve been at Walt for coming stumbling along like a horse set loose in a hospital and destroying absolutely everything they’d worked so hard to put together. 

“Here’s your ice cream! Merry Christmas!”

Frank Oz got banned for a week for this Tweet. Evidently the Twitter censors had never seen the phrase “I owe you an apology” used on their service before and thought it must be something nefarious. 

Looks more like a frog than Fozzie to me...

‘Fire me boy!’

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read here all day, and that’s really saying something. So despite it making almost $900 million at the box office alone, Disney thought (fart noise!) GOTG2 was bad, so in response, they greenlighted a third, gave it a release date, and let Gunn write the script? That’s why the Guardians

“People arent allowed to speak publicly about how someone hurt them because the person who hurt them might get hurt.”

I don’t think he’ll say the n-word. I believe that HE BELIEVES he’s not a racist, and he probably thinks the extent of racism is directly calling someone a hard-r n-word. But lease an apartment to a black family? Of course not, that’s just bad business because blacks don’t like to pay their bills.

I think the point is that you can’t do this in a *modern* Star Wars movie. Because when you’re eight movies in there’s a ton of history that we’ve seen onscreen that the movie has to be sure not to contradict. So it becomes an issue that with all that we know about the history of this world, this crazy powerful guy

What could be better than a “news story” about someone getting a tattoo? How about one that doesn’t even have a picture of the tattoo?