
I think that will indeed be the answer. The current afterlife system is based on a single flawed premise -- that you can judge and evaluate people individually, give them each a point score. What the whole series has been showing us, and which was beautifully reiterated in miniature in this episode, is that humans

an alt-right shit-poster grandchild (It’s Jaeden Martell)

The original title for the film was Chocolate, but it didn’t test well with audiences even with the very likable Scarlett Johannsen in the title role. A little recasting and a name change and here we are.

I don’t think they can make the head engineer a problem, since that would violate Mike’s (and Gus’s) superpower of evaluating people flawlessly. The interesting part will be to see how Mike handles Kai. I have a feeling that it’ll be more psychological than physical.

In all sincerity, this is a great comment. “I only liked one show out of Bojack Horseman and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, because in the other one the characters were too cartoonish.”

That’s what we have Being John Malcovich for.

Bet you a dollar that instead of having Hari Seldon show up as a hologram every once in a while they have him frozen or something so he can pop in and repeatedly save the day in person. The series was great, especially for its time, but it’s not very well suited for film or TV unless you twist things to get some kind

And... the rest of the story:

Zack: It doesn’t look like anything to me.

Because I loved Moon, I was looking forward to this movie. Because of this review, I will now not watch it. So that’s one data point against your conclusion.

Reports are that her contact juggling is “enthusiastic, but ultimately amateurish and derivative”.

Well the thing is, and I don’t want to give anything away, is that they’re really, really tiny.

I thought Enoch took the long route to the future as well, by living through it. So after jamming Fitz in the box he stayed in the past, protected Robin until she grew old and died, and then spent the rest of his time setting up Fitz’s new identity and taking advantage of compounded interest?

Also you can sometimes pick up a rib from the craft services table.

Thanks for setting the <i>Shadowrun</i> movie back ten years, guys.

They should release a version that has everyone except Spacey digitally edited out. Just lots of scenes of Spacey in old age makeup arguing with the voices in his head. Also lots of scenes of an empty cabin that might be a good place to hold a kidnapping victim.

You make a good point, but I guess I just didn’t find it as jarring as some others did. I like the fact that we get to ‘zoom out’ a little on the galaxy in this movie. It makes the universe seem like a bigger place rather than the same half a dozen planets. It didn’t strain my suspension of disbelief to imagine that

Che only gets 3/5 of a vote.

“You can’t make a star wars movie and just toss in some mysterious and all powerful evil force man and never even ONCE allude to where this guy came from.”

Hey Pete — Kate still isn’t gonna talk to you. Sorry, bud.