
The trailer seems so odd to me. Like, they clearly are using the IP due to the success of the movies. But it also seems totally based on the comics. It honestly doesn’t look particularly good, but at the same time I really want to play this...

Not gonna lie, I don’t really have a desire for it but it looks damn good. 

So it’s like Star Citizen but...will actually come out?

Doesn’t even begin to describe how white farmers fucked over black farmers recently. 

Basically vomit on spaghetti. 

Not sure which looks worse, that man’s face or skyline chili. 

The fundamental limit for acceleration from a dead stop is the coefficient of friction between the tires and the road.

It would be ENORMOUSLY expensive. Just a quick estimate, there’s like 4 million 18 year olds in the US. Currently there are only like 2 million federal employees, so you’d be increasing the number of federal employeess by 200% or so (not counting all the management and support you’d have to hire). It’s not to say it

Ive heard strikers is good. I'm just so turned off to Mosou games at this point. They generally get so bad after like a few hours.

The ME1 shooting controls were soooooo bad on PC. I mean it was totally a product of its time, but I replayed it a few years ago and damn.

Looks like FC is moving to like a mix of the standard FC with Just Cause and some Saints Row ridiculous weapons...But still probably the same gameplay loop.

How many times was “flight to/from Ft Lauderdale” listed for separate incidents? 3? 4?

Oh yeah well does it address raccoon-on-raccoon violence????

That was honestly one of the dumbest comments I’ve seen a coach make. It basically boils down to him screaming “We’re not mad YOU’RE MAD!!!!!!”

Welcome to the party.

Based upon facts like....number of crashes they experienced? 

So you’d prefer a game review to not be honest?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone think that 1 crash an hour was OK....until now.

At least until KD goes out with an injury and Harden plays like playoff Harden.

Ahhhhh yes the RICH Democrats and corporations who all support Marxism because that’s how Marxism works....