The Thin White Duke Ellington

I got Our Dumb Century as a Christmas gift in 1999 — it had a huge influence on my sense of humour. Thanks, Dad!

I remember reading the Onion AV Club when I was still at university in Toronto…I think they stopped doing the Toronto print edition in like 2011? It was fun but I was already posting and commenting on here so it was basically "Well, time to re-read these Nathan Rabin articles with my morning coffee"

It was started to mock Seinfeld Today's banal, uninspired takes…but now it's completely eclipsed Seinfeld Today in popularity so it's sort of just floating there

I'm holding out hope that he did record a cameo in secret and Agent Jeffries will appear. But it's not likely.

Holy shit, this is an all-time great RR. Thanks Will!

i hope wonder woman only fights respected character actors from now on

I am stunned and amazed that when you went looking for examples of flagrant anti-antisemitism in modern europe your second example was JEREMY CORBYN

it's more than partisanship; does anyone hate Paul Ryan with the same vitriol?

Heck, Farley Grainger isn't the straighest dude ever in Strangers either. It's what makes the movie work so well.

It's almost more likely that the Dems will win the House back in 2018 than the senate, that's how bad this upcoming senate class is for them. Blue dogs all the way, baby!

The DSA has been doing some really good work, especially on the local organizing level. It's really exciting to see lefty grassroots orgs really taking hold in America.

I'm pretty anti-Clinton, but it's kind of easy to see where the logic for that campaign came from — "we can pick up all kinds of moderate and suburban Republicans if we focus on how monumentally unfit this guy is for the office! Policy will only alienate them."

Buckley was 100% a white supremacist, regardless of how he framed his "intellectual conservatism". He had no interest in civil rights or racial justice.

Carter is 100% the greatest ex-President.

I believe the Democratic Socialists of America issue cards as a bit of a wink to the Communist parties of old too

seems like the democratic party needs some card-based reform

aw heck, time to send an angry letter to the NDP

Joe Manchin!

There's a real self-flagellating aspect to Lovecraft's white supremacist attitude (hell, it went beyond that — he considered the Welsh to be inferior genetically). The bland, white English heroes of his stories are always completely helpless against The Other,

Do you get cards in the US? Genuine question. I don't get a card for being a party member in Canada and it makes me sad.