The Thin White Duke Ellington

Yeah — this looks good but I really can’t shake the feeling Franco is totally miscast. James, that is. Dave seems perfect.

Also: good to give a shout-out to the excellent use of Krzysztof Penderecki in Episode 8.

It's to appeal to advertisers and Facebook, the switch to video has absolutely nothing to do with reader preference.

Well that sure is something!

what the hell

yeah what was the deal with the ebuzz thing

This looks pretty good — I'm always down for John Cho to get more work. Kinda has a De Palma vibe with the mystery and big beautiful houses and implied lesbianism.

I don't know if Carter was the best US President, but he's certainly the best post-presidency President. God bless him.

eeeeeeee i can't wait

He did a great job playing David Foster Wallace in The End of the Tour!

Pretty good! Went out of town to visit some friends on Saturday, relaxed and didn't work on any writing on Sunday.

Lissie is a bigger star than "The" Nine Inch Nails, duh

Good thing the murderous rage was all acting, of course.

Comedy shows are all about audience + material + delivery, and if even one of them isn't great you can bomb pretty easily.

There's gotta be bad blood, because they NEVER MENTION HIM EVER.

Austin Walker at Waypoint (and a CgI guest) said he had known about these allegations before in a podcast that came out today. Seems like it was a bit of an open secret which is always super sketchy — this coming for someone who worked at the CBC before Jian Ghomeshi was fired, and EVERYONE gossiped about what a creep

The Super Mario Galaxy one (first part) made me laugh, but otherwise it was a little dull.

Maybe take it away from Griffin and give it to Patrick and Allegra? Or Patrick and Simone? Or Allegra and Simone? Just so it's a bit of a fresh restart, and let Griffin work on other projects.

Okay, let me amend that: it's a very left-wing org

I have a co-worker who talks about Trump all day, every day, and it's utterly exhausting. I work at a union so it's obviously a very left-wing org, but I already spend too much of my time reading the news, reading Twitter, and I'd like to be able to work without "Can you BELIEVE what he just did???"