The Thin White Duke Ellington

Yeah, like, if he had done a real about face and said "shit, this has been a pack of murderous assholes since William Howard Taft" then sure, but this bullshit half-measure? No dice, asshole.

Didn't know that! Noticed Big Boi and Killer Mike though.

There is a huge amount of scholarship linking neoliberalism to foreign policy. Here's Wendy Brown on the issue: "…while neoliberal political rationality is based on a certain conception of the market, its organization of governance and the social is not merely the result of leakage from the economic to other spheres

My theatre *hated* it. Almsot every single person was complaining about it leaving the theatre except me and my friend. Very disappointing — it got an A- Cinemscore, though, so it seems most audiences were into it.

Or perhaps "Drive".

An excellent point! Terrible insides, terrible outsides, terrible all around.

Aw heck. I only knew him through his work with the Arkestra, but Chicago has always been a hub for amazing modern jazz developments, and people I know in the community are mourning him deeply.

Jesus. I didn't notice that the first time. Fucked up.

The only snag is that Zillow doesn't technically own these photos — they're licensed to use them through ToS agreements with their users/realtors. I'm currently producing a licensed theatre show and it's a similar thing — the licensing company doesn't own the show, they just are able to license it through a contract

Interior-wise, yeah, but one of the worst things about McMansions is they're designed from the inside out! So they're jam packed with these huge ceiling halls and two foyers and a massive wraparound kitchen and loaded with appliances to make it seem fancier, and then outside it looks like a piece of garbage.

What a horrendously ugly building.

Very excited for the solo Dazzler movie, which I assume will just be a shot-for-shot remake of the recent Jem and the Holograms film.

I remember that! He said it was unpleasantly oily.

I grew up without eating beef (mom is vegetarian and dad doesn't end beef or pork), and I've always found doing a half-turkey/half-chicken meatloaf with LOADS of spices to be the most delicious meatloaf. Get good-quality lean turkey and ground dark chicken meat and you'll get the fat + taste content you crave from

Jamie Loftus is hilarious and excellent! If she needs to eat Infinite Jest, then she can eat Infinite Jest.

Possibly! A lot of what I'm talking about comes from Emma firsthand! Wouldn't be surprised if other people are on it.

That is what I meant! But it wasn't clear.

Actually, this may be multiple takes. Who knows? Anyway, parts of it sound quite different than the final version in more than just tuning.

This…isn't an un-autotuned version? It's a single take from the sessions, maybe even a scratch track. I'd be surprised if any of this take appears at all in the final version.

There's a bar by me that does a grilled cheese sandwich for 3.50 ($5 with fries). For Toronto, this is akin to a miracle.