The Thin White Duke Ellington

We still have ACORN in Canada. They do good work!

The fact that NBC has been sticking with these oddball shows gives me some respect for them — they're obviously trying to figure out new ways of going forward rather than just sticking with old models. And as long as they have quality shows, it'll be worth it!

That's why I'm shocked it got renewed! NBC treated it miserably from the start.

It's sad how badly cast Kyle McLaughlin is, because I love him. Sian Phillips is perfectly cast as the Reverend Mother, though.

I'm guessing this means NBC is gonna push Lithgow for an Emmy/Golden Globe and see if good word of mouth once this gets on Netflix will give it better ratings in S2. Because, yikes, it had awful season 1 ratings.

Holy shit, I thought there was no way in hell this would get renewed. Awesome news!

See, I've always liked Wild at Heart more than Lost Highway, which I feel like is way more of a mess than Wild at Heart. Wild at Heart uses its messiness to its advantage, it's an incredibly liberating movie. Lost Highway always felt a little too wrapped up in its own enigmas for my taste.

The thing that stuck with me is the…texture of the blood that comes out of her mouth. You hadn't really seen gore like that in American film.

Donna is now played by…Laura Dern???

It's still a miracle we're getting eighteen hours of David Lynch-directed material in one year. What a time to be alive.

I did some work at a Sufi Cultural Center and that quote was painted on the wall — cool to see it in the show.

There are references to boiling water and being skinned, aren't there? Common fates for how rabbits die…

His direction is really good in the OJ stuff, but I thought he did an even better job with Feud.

Interesting that both Fuller and Hawley don't direct their own works. Is our ol' pal RYan Murphy the TV auteur who's most comfortable behind the camera?

I like Hawley, but I don't find him to have an authentic voice at all. He's at his best when he's mimicking or remixing.

I don't think Rabbits is meant to be funny. It's absurd, yes, but it's hellish and disturbing more than funny.

Friends, friends! There were serious issues with the Hillary Clinton campaign, AND there's been a massive disenfranchisement campaign of the poor in America! Everyone loses!!

this sounds like russian spy talk to me

This is a take, I suppose!

That's how I feel about Fey/Fallon — WU is a crap shoot on a good day, but looking back I'd say a good 2/3rds of their jokes don't even elicit a chuckle on my end.