The Thin White Duke Ellington

…yes? There was some improv, but the plotting is pretty solid.

Oates is one of those "You seemed smarter before I started following you on Twitter" types. Still a great author, of course.

Norm was always further to the right than other SNL types, too, but he never went off the deep end. Thank God.

I still think Curtain & Aykroyd is the best, and you're way underrating both Miller and Nealon, but otherwise this is a pretty good list. Sorry Colin Quinn.

It's a funny movie with likable leads, but when you consider what a tight, well-crafted script the original had it's hard to match that with "likable improv". Not a bad movie, just a bit of a wasted venture.

I think Rachel Leigh Cook probably feels fine that she doesn't have Tara Reid's level of infamy.

She's been around for quite a while, including making my all time favorite "making of" documentary, Hearts of Darkness (Burden of Dreams is a runner-up).

I'll admit, "it's not homophobic because it's more of a rape joke" isn't a take I expected to see in this comment section.

Okay, I have a question: did you genuinely not know cocksucker has been used as an insult against gay men for decades and decades?

Thanks for your interest in social justice! "Cocksucker" and its many variants have a long, long history of being used as anti-gay slurs! That's why lots of LGBT people don't like it being used!!

"People who give blowjobs are submissive, and that is bad. It is extra amusing when is it a man, someone who shouldn't be submissive, gives the blowjob."

- I think the joke is homophobic
- Colbert shouldn't be fired for it
- If Trump fans are legitimately upset about this they need to take a long hard look in the mirror

Idea: a debate between Kirkman and James Adomian. May the angriest comedian win!

I know The Flop House guys are giving us quality entertainment on a biweekly schedule for free (though I do donate to MaxFun, not to brag), but…am I the only one who gets really annoyed by their constant technical problems? They need to get a decent preamp or something because this was not an isolated incident. Though

And all the live shows! Yeesh. It's insane how poor quality those are, and they're just mugging for laughs.

Hodgman's Twitter feed has made me despise him politically. Still hilarious, but he's about as far into the "clueless rich liberal" stereotype as you can get.

Judge John Hodgman was a quick dump for me. It's just…not funny, and I say that as one of the biggest fans of Hodgman's writing. It doesn't suit his skills.

Time Travelers was also shot by the great Vilmos Zsigmond, he of The Deer Hunter, Close Encounters, and McCabe and Mrs. Miller.

Like Brandon Routh, Cavill will get plenty of roles that will allow him to be charming and funny AFTER he's Superman.

Jazz is a terrific genre that I legitimately believes has something for everyone. I think it's overdue for a sort of populist groundswell, a rediscovery of the diversity of the genre by people who didn't necessarily study it.