The Thin White Duke Ellington

The worst was when I asked a question about which real-life couple starred in Franco Zeffirelli's The Taming of the Shrew, and someone yelled out "Who the fuck is Franco Zeffirelli?" at me.

Hey! I have a question for all the Jeopardy! nerds here — do any of you guys run a trivia night? Or regularly participate?

Did anyone get the third daily double? Good god, I had no idea tycoon was derived from a Japanese word (because while taikun is a Japanese word, obviously, tycoon is impossible to transliterate in Japanese so it doesn't really spring to mind!)

Glad to hear this is worth watching! The trailers looked awful, but I love the premise and Lithgow is a gem. I'll check 'er out.

There is serious momentum on the left in opposing Feinstein. It's ridiculous one of the most conservative Democrats should be from California — Kamala Harris isn't perfect but she tracks. This is the best chance for the Sanders wing to get a strong candidate in (much as I'd love for a maverick to break through in WV

Ryan Murphy's direction is over the top, flashy, and self satisfied, and it suits the material perfectly. Damn, I'm really loving this show.

I remember that scene. I felt that while Buffy and Willow were weaker in S7, Xander and Dawn got a lot better. It helped that (ugh) Kennedy was around to make Dawn seem considerably less annoying.

It was truly bizarre watching her clap in the short clips they show. Once you could see the jewelry it was pretty obvious, but people love to snark!

Well, Nico was a racist and a white supremacist, so…

Do people not like I'll Be Your Mirror? That song fucking owns.

Kind of Blue is interesting, because it's Miles at his most consistent. Throughout his entire career, Miles' records have always had exceptionally high high points, but often a few low points as well. Kind of Blue just…works, start to finish.

Congratulations! You've 100% nailed exactly why I love Figure 8 over E/O.

God, her line reading of "Welcome to the house that fear built!" is so good. Judy Davis For President!

Damn, that's a good article. I think I disagree with Bangs 90% of the time, but he sure can write.

My Karina Longworth impression rests entirely around her saying "And then? She died." in the same emphatic way she often does.

Man, if I ever got replaced on a project by Brad Brad, my reaction would be "Yeah, good call. See you guys at the premiere!"

Sort of seems like Shirley MacLaine is just playing her character from Bernie, huh?

I do a Before and After round at the trivia night I host. They're very fun, and pretty easy, to write.

Probably varies administration to administration, but there have certainly been high profile fuckups in other posts (James Watt in Interior, for example).