The Thin White Duke Ellington

It was a positive review, actually! It leans on the "the bad guy is liberalism" a bit too much, but they did like it.

Well, the laws were also literally changed to prevent another Kennedy as AG, so it's not like there hasn't been any blowback or opposition to this move.

The smoke is going to clear after 4 years, and suddenly we'll realize that the Gifted Hands of Dr. Ben Carson have healed this nation's public housing.

I'll believe it when Sasse starts voting against cabinet or judicial nominees, or does literally anything positive besides trying to be Twitter's Fun Dad.

I know a lot of comedians read the comments here! James Adomian, Jen Kirkman, Doug Benson, and poor poor Cameron Esposito have all mentioned reading the hate they get here before.

It may take a hit, but don't forget that somewhere between 40 and 50 percent of the US approve of Trump's job so far (depending on the poll) — maybe his rabid fanbase will start naming their kids after him.

Buckley openly carried water for white supremacists and segregationists, supported McCarthy even after his fall from grace, and was an all-around piece of shit. You can draw a straight line from Buckley and his ilk to the modern Republican Party.

The fact that so many people, actors and writers alike, work with him on so many of his projects also shows that he's good to work with. Plus, FX fucking loves him.

Friend of mine has met Murphy multiple times and he's probably what you'd expect — ego the size of Texas, but not a bad dude overall.

He was the best, most visually stylish director on OJ. Which is a surprise, but I found his directing work super lackluster before. I think he's best when he can translate short bursts of flamboyancy into working within a cohesive whole, which it sounds like Feud is nailing.

Judy Davis as Hedda Hopper is one of those "I didn't know I needed this until right now" moments. Likewise Sarandon as Bette Davis.

That "Avoiding Eye Contact Monthly" gag is so Classic Simpsons.

I was wondering how long it would take for the AV Club to do a write up on Monster Factory! It's completely ruined my life, in the best way — it's hard to look at a picture of former Vice President Dick Cheney now, and not see his hard, slick, sports hating body just ANNIHILATING that surf.

It really amps up the horror of an already kind of terrifying premise. Maybe not the best thing for a family-friendly romcom.

Oddly enough, I've really been enjoying the quality of both the writing of Food Club and the discussion it inspires. Lest we forget: a lot of people really fucking hated Gamelogical at the start, too!

Let me try to break down why a lot of people are really frustrated by this, and I'll even come out and say I wasn't a Bernie supporter in the last election (I supported Clinton at the primary stage). It isn't that Perez isn't a progressive, though it's pretty telling that organized labor went almost entirely for

While she's definitely better in The Godfather Part II than the first one, I've never liked the "It was an ABORTION, Michael!!!" scene. Annie Hall is still her best performance in my eyes.

Plus, it made handsome young Christopher Walken a star!

"This critically adored, small budget film that proves it's possible for anyone to be recognized at the Oscars if their project is good enough? Yeah, shut that nonsense down."

Remember when they did that thing where the nominees all stood in a line before the winner was announced? Truly insane.