Thin White Duck

Agreed but have we already forgotten the showstopping Varys monlogue at the top of last week's episode??

"Hey honey we're going to the Charlize Theron movie tonight!"
"Great the one where she's a badass assassin?"
"No the one where she gets boned while listening to the Chili Peppers."


*mild spoiler*

Let us never forget that ManBearPig - a fan favorite by all accounts - is an entire episode devoted to global warming being phony and an attention ploy.

These three videos could each earn their spots in the best videos of the year. Truly, damn.

I think enough time has passed to officially declare Estelle and "American Boy" a one-hit wonder. (At least in the US, I understand she's had other hits in the UK). But damn if that song doesn't get absolutely everyone moving at a party.

Pegg's horrified face during that scene is one of the funniest moments in the whole movie.

Sometimes I tell casual fans that Big Boi has a song with both B.o.B. and Wavves and they never, ever believe me.

Yes for sure! And Burton's version retains some elements of the book that were missing from the first film. Both movies totally work for me.

Whole lotta "I'm not racist but…" I can just hear it now.

In the words of Killer Mike via Ric Flair -

Ah yes Almodóvar, male filmmaker who most definitely hasn't made problematic movies about women before. (I mostly kid. I'm a huge fan.)

That cover photo. Is Lee Pace about to join Fleet Foxes as an auxilIary percussionist?

Ah. That actually makes a lot of sense. There are few things I'm less in touch with than racing.

This movie comes out in two months and you drop the first trailer on a Sunday evening before Memorial Day? You marketers must be as simple minded as people say!

Because it makes protesting seem fun, fashionable and easy instead of hard and depressingly necessary in today's society, yes.

This guy clearly sucks. But us lefties think that Jenner Pepsi ad is an abomination too.

Always thought the Gargoyles were some of the most shoehorned, least endearing Disney sidekick characters they've ever created. The rest of the film is impressively moody for a kids' movie.

For real though there would be NO Marvel Cinematic Universe without Jon Favreau. I catch myself making mild fun of the guy sometimes but always have to put respect on his name.