Thin White Duck

Considering how high billed he is, he probably has a pretty big role in the movie?

There are still the occasional good designs (see: the first red-and-black Django Unchained poster) but almost every blockbuster seems to follow the "PUT MORE HEADS ON IT" model.

My Sri Lankan friend always brings back bootleg DVD's to the states whenever she goes home. They look… very much like this.

The Jump Street movies are wonderful. So full of life. This seems like those movies' tank-born dead-eyed clone that never quite learns to speak or interact with humans properly.

I love it when he's completely right but not for the reasons he thinks. Like when he declared that the left was engaged in a war with the idea of "white america" and we were like "uh, yeah."

This was one of those things I saw while scrolling through Twitter and consciously decided to not care about. It was a nice feeling.

Yeah Paul took a goofy high-concert premise with a great supporting cast and turned it into an extended "religion is for chumps" joke. And this is coming from someone who isn't even religious, I still found it kind of insufferable…

Oh my GOD I forgot about The Night Before! He's brilliant in that. If more people has seen that movie he'd certainly be among the most beloved on-screen drug dealers ever.

Premium Rush does have a great, bonkers Michael Shannon performance - something all movies really should have.

Anton Yelchin really fucking *screams* in that scene too. Like blood curdling. He really was such a treasure, oh man.

Merely reading the premise for Human Centipede was a "walk away from the computer, sit down, and ponder" moment. I felt sick but also deeply sad that no one along the way said "this project is profoundly dumb we should stop this now."

Yes and I'm sure a great deal of us will read his stuff there (and support that Patreon to keep our man afloat!) But never again will we be able to remark on his works together as a commentariat. That's cause for some sadness and a warm goodbye.

And he brought the fire there too! Forgotbusters was good shit!

Fuck. I know we all got our goodbyes and lamentations in last time but once again *clears throat and stifles tears* WE WILL MISS YOU NATHAN.

Don't push him cuz he's close to the eggs.

Definitely. All of those shows combine incredibly well written comedy with really genuine pathos. I'd put Bojack up there in that regard too.

R.I.P. Ass Dan

Oh HELL yeah. I thought Lady Dynamite was hands down the most overlooked show of last year, and at this point I really think Maria can do no wrong.

That Lil Yachty cover is kind of amazing. I really can't speak to the feelings of albino or gay youth (or ones with vitiligo for that matter), but I imagine seeing one of the most popular young rappers of the day representing you on his album cover is at least kind of cool. Or maybe it reads as superficial and

I think those of us who love it can't really explain it. Maybe it just came along at the exact right time for a lot of us.