Thin White Duck

Surf’s Up is good though! Not amazing, but there are some genuinely funny moments and it makes really good use of the “animated mockumentary” device. Justice for Surf’s Up!

So many of those Documentary Now episodes are based on movies I’ve actually never seen. I didn’t watch Jiro Dreams of Sushi until after watching Juan Likes Rice and Chicken, so a lot of that movie became unintentionally hilarious after thinking about Fred Armisen firing raw chicken at a wall with a high-pressure air

Kendrick’s Sing About Me

Nothing beats a good Sblounskched bar!

I’m sorry but that is absolutely a Toy Story Alien hat. Which somehow makes it even worse.

I was a huge Wilco fan in high school (still am) and my best friend would always roast me for it. He said they were the textbook “alright band.” Then he got into Northwestern and knew he would never be able to say that out loud in public in Chicago ever again and I really reveled in that.

Bingo. And the other one is Sean tells Mark to tell some executives “Sean Parker says ‘fuck you.’” I only remember those because I thought two in one movie felt significant, but otherwise, I’m with you in the sense that profanity in movies or TV barely registers with me anymore.

The Social Network is the only PG-13 movie I can think of with two. Both of them are “fuck you’s,” though. And one is used as an adjective and the other is given to someone as a message to tell someone else. I truly wonder which of those elements magically made it acceptable.

I know - HH is definitely the best track on the album. But it’s sandwiched between two just-plain-good ones. Tracks 2-3-4 are all gems though.

Oh man here we go...

I can’t believe I’m having to say this but, as a millennial guy who has, in fact, been to bars, clubs, gyms, and, um, apartments, I have never been sexually harassed by a female.

A lot of this has to do with recognizing which allies won't still be allies when the chips are truly down. I do think the "so-and-so is cancelled" mindset is wrongheaded though. Most people aren't beyond redemption. But if people - specifically ones who've experienced "allies" turning out to be full of bs - smell bs

Wow that's wild! Splitting my time between Austin and DFW there's a new one opening somewhere around every few months. Know it's their home terf down here but they're totally booming.

Yes! The hype is real!

Honestly living in Austin with so many Alamo Drafthouses has spoiled me. Going to an AMC is something I really have no desire to ever do again. Is that snobbish? The consumer experience at Drafthouse is just infinitely better.

So this is the Incredible Hulk to Baby Driver's Iron Man. The Simon & Garfunkel Cinematic Universe can still bounce back.

I mean people were definitely saying "I'm lovin' it" before McDonald's. But if you tried to say that on your Burger-marketing podcast I feel like they'd have something to say. Still, LeVar is pure and should be able to do whatever the fuck he wants.

Tom Kenny gets the lion's share of the Adventure Time acclaim and he does really, really amazing work. But damn if DiMaggio isn't incredible too, nailing all Jake's bravado, fear, wisdom, stupidity, and, uh, hunger. Dude's got so much more of a range than he gets credit for.

Hmm. Seems like it might deal in the "isn't it funny and quirky when white people do drugs since, y'know, drugs are a black thing?" trope. But the diverse cast gives me a little hope?

That would've been a great moment, but "who killed ____" has proven time and time again to be a thorn in the side of shows when the answer is never really as satisfying as fans want. It would've been distracting if they withheld the information for more than a season I think.