Thin White Duck

Yes! He's got such physical *presence* in that role. I love the shots of him dancing in slow motion. Much more interesting than the shots of the man falling to his death that they're intercut with.

I thought High-Rise was borderline obnoxious even though the cast was excellent. Luke Evans kills it every damn time.

Some guy with dreads electrocuted my fish!

If you're talking about the CG "sick stick" scene, that was possibly the worst on-screen moment of 2013.

Right? Father John Misty's new album felt like it was in the release cycle for years. Has the surprise release style for rap album drops really made two weeks feel that long to people?

That brief period where we let Jamie Kennedy be a leading man is among the darkest times America's ever seen. And we've seen some SHIT.

Kick-Ass 2. Somehow both nihilistic *and* saccharine sappy? Everything that made the first one great is drained out of this one. Lame/non-existent jokes, weak supporting characters (the B-team superheroes are a married couple and Donald Faison?), and just godawful fight choreography.


Goddammit I love that movie. Definitely some of the best work from everyone involved, Gondry included.

Maybe it's time to retire. And move to Orlando. To be closer to Disneyworld.

Wow those are some Jerry O'Connell numbers!

The Coldplay in the first Amazing Spider-Man had me laughing out loud.

Yeah I mean it's a supremely flawed ideology! But it's not something that came out of nowhere. It's grounded in *something*…

As much as I love MGMT, I appreciate the lack of "hip high school music" that actually hasn't been hip in about ten years…

I also love Vulture's angle that the heroes don't *really* care about people without powers. From everything we've seen throughout the films I don't know if he's entirely incorrect there. The Avengers are pretty self-absorbed and they don't like to admit it. In a way I almost get some mild Syndrome vibes from it as

Around Dallas there are some billboards for this that say absolutely nothing but "SLAMMA JAMMA." No pictures. No indication what the movie's about. It's kind of surreal and I love it.

This movie not happening and Matt Reeves getting a chance to do something else wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

Used to really enjoy WILAY in the day. Makes me even sadder to think Amanda could've been deeply suffering even then.