Thin White Duck

I definitely remember enjoying what I saw from his Westboro Baptist Church film, this review just made it seem like he made the focus of his new one more on himself than the subject he was covering. My roommate's a huge fan of his though, so I'm sure I'll see this one eventually and I'll probably end up liking it.

I find it harder and harder to enjoy personality-driven documentaries the older I get. I remember liking Supersize Me a lot at the time. And now I want to smack Morgan Spurlock in his smug handlebars whenever his face pops up.

You can't have a party without ICE!

To me the biggest argument against the efficacy of Scientology's "join us and we'll make you famous" spiel it's that Giovanni Ribisi has been on the precipice of breaking out for literally his entire career. Which is partially sad because I think he's great. But the Church can still lick a large one.

Why though? If you feel like you may enjoy them, wouldn't they be worth going out of your way for an evening to see them?

*calls Ben Wyatt's dad*

This. One of the most unfairly maligned Oscar hosts in recent memory. Sure the "we saw your boobs" thing was a little juvenile but I would so much rather have more people like McFarlane than bringing Billy Crystal back for the 40th time.

News like this can break at 7pm on a Friday and still put up numbers. Pretty exciting stuff!

"Why would your buddy be with you in the shower?" "Why would your DAD?"

Damn. Why does it seem like the members of The Gang never seems to have the same magic with people outside of The Gang? (Possibly excluding the first Horrible Bosses, still have a soft spot for that one.)

Dennis Duffy was right all along, dummies, technology IS cyclical!

Don't forget your Bojack shoutout, guys! And they gave you love while actually in their prime!

But they got him!

Right? Such a clever idea. Lotta shit going on right now, and this made me smile.

BUMMER. Was looking forward to some long-form Ghibli action. Maybe on another project they'll get it right.

This looks too nerdy for the masses, not nerdy enough for the niche crowd, and not funny enough for either. Really hope I'm wrong.

After it was introduced to low-income communities by the Reagan administraincle.

Real bummer that Arrival's score is ineligible because of the borrowed piece of music at the end. The music that was *actually* composed for the film is so haunting and perfect. The vocal samples especially.

I've been wondering how long before I hear some of In Colour pop up in a Hollywood movie.

I think El-P from RTJ has dabbled in film scoring before as co-composer or something similar but he could really be let loose over a pulpy John Wick-type shoot-em-up and fit perfectly.