Thin White Duck

Truly amazing casting right there. Thought it was bonkers but somehow really worked, kind of like the whole movie itself.

That's a shame, every word out of his mouth was golden. "If you were 10% less black I could make you president."

Did Blue Jasmine even screen in non-Snooty Rich Person theaters?

Mystery Team! I pine for the days when Donald Glover hadn't yet crawled up his own ass.

I once played through the entire PS2 game for that movie in one night. It was… not a great game. And this was… not a great story.

Tom: Swingers or Crashers?
Jean-Ralfio: …Fred Claus.

Your references are out of control, everyone knows that.

I remember there's a scene in that movie where Sean-Penn-wearing-clown-makeup tells one of his goons to get rid of a witness by saying "you know the drill" and the goon literally pulls out a power drill. 10/10.

They mentioned that muggle tech doesn't work at hogwarts, but even outside of school they still operated under the notion that sending letters via bird or talking through fireplaces was somehow smarter and easier and better than cell phones…

"My business card says 'You're in luck, I do three things, I rap, catch mad pokemans, and fuck.'"

Fantastic Mr. Fox is absolutely hilarious. It might not be his *best* movie but it gets more laughs out of me than any of his others.

Warburton's finest performance, voice acting or otherwise

This movie I like should be higher! This movie I don't like should be lower!

Agreed. But there's something to be said for a documentary that tells you all you need to know, if not telling you in deep detail, isn't there?

GOB never should've given up animation rights to Mr. Bananagrabber…

That header is actually from next season's Sunny episode "Mac Gets a Deep V-Neck"

Hey man, elephant cum ain't cheap.

Pussy Noodle being among the best of them, of course

But what *color* were the owls they better have been canon consistent, am I right?

Bummer his star vehicle is a dud. But he still has a statue at Greendale. What more validation could one need?